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You should find them in E:/TDATA/ffff0504/


yeah +T+, the generated dat works fine for me, but theres a comsmetic flaw, the "King of Fighter 2003, The Ultra Plus [bootleg]" is gonna listed in the "Zupapa!" "Game-Folder" right in the generated romcenter dat, or am i missing here something?!


cheers & thx for your work :)


Xhor :lol:


almost done with updating to the new sets, wasnt hard except for the decrypted vs i need for kof2002 n matrim, all i need its svcchaos rom..

btw, the new sets are big, lol ranging frpm 60mb to 90+ mb.. heh, good thing for a 120hd

Posted (edited)
yeah +T+, the generated dat works fine for me, but theres a comsmetic flaw, the "King of Fighter 2003, The Ultra Plus [bootleg]" is gonna listed in the "Zupapa!" "Game-Folder" right in the generated romcenter dat, or am i missing here something?!

Okay, the DATs should now be fixed (thanks to Thraxen for uploading :P ) including the kof2k3up/zupapa problem.


btw, the new sets are big, lol ranging frpm 60mb to 90+ mb.. heh, good thing for a 120hd

Only the encrypted sets are that size. The decrypted sets are about 30-40Mb and load alot faster too, so you may want to consider using those instead.

Edited by + T +
Posted (edited)
couldnt find any, but i'll look later on, also dangun feveron dont work:(

Dangun Feveron is now a clone of Fever SOS as in the latest PC build of FBA. Make sure you have the correct roms for the set you're trying to run.

Edited by + T +
Posted (edited)
sorry, but still no go.. i matched the crcs to the FBA-XXX Pro (ClrMame Pro) dat file, but still get a black screen..


You may need to give it a minute, the pcb has a black screen when you boot up for what seems like 5 minutes.

it loads pretty fast on mameox by bender :) n on gogo's old fbaxxx version..

Edited by GLiTcH

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