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Uninstall for two reasons: MMORPGs suck and Final Fantasy sucks. :P

Correction: MMORPGs in general suck, except for a few exceptions. Final Fantasy in general does not suck. Then again, you've never been much of a console gamer.


World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XI: Online are excellent games, but I tend to stay away from them simply because they tend to suck away all ties to real life. Even more so than "normal" games. :P

Posted (edited)

I am the only one that sees the dreadful timesink of MMORPGs as some kind of design flaw? Aside from the extremely boring combat and repetetive.. well.. everything else.. nearly every problem they have is related to the more play time = success mentality. Especially the way their economies go to crap in about a month because some people have no lives, or the hideously long travel times.

Edited by Daeval

Jumping MMOs is a bad idea. Why? Because you'll be bouncing back between both. I garuntee it.

I am the only one that sees the dreadful timesink of MMORPGs as some kind of design flaw?  Aside from the extremely boring combat and repetetive.. well.. everything else.. nearly every problem they have is related to the more play time = success mentality.  Especially the way their economies go to crap in about a month because some people have no lives, or the hideously long travel times.

You're not alone. I feel the same way about MMOGs. That's why I hate them so much. You spend sooo much time doing the same stuff over and over again and you pay them a monthly fee to do it! If I ever want to do that, I'll just daydream thank you very much.

Posted (edited)
I am the only one that sees the dreadful timesink of MMORPGs as some kind of design flaw?  Aside from the extremely boring combat and repetetive.. well.. everything else.. nearly every problem they have is related to the more play time = success mentality.  Especially the way their economies go to crap in about a month because some people have no lives, or the hideously long travel times.

You're not alone. I feel the same way about MMOGs. That's why I hate them so much. You spend sooo much time doing the same stuff over and over again and you pay them a monthly fee to do it! If I ever want to do that, I'll just daydream thank you very much.

The only MMOG I've played that I didn't think fell into this category was PlanetSide. Granted, it's an FPS, not an RPG, and I played mostly in Beta. Earning experience still meant playing the game for a while, but that wasn't bad because the game was fun and varied, even at the first rank.


It's also the only MMOG I ever had any fun grouping in. All the players on your team (out of 3) start in one small spot, so it's pretty easy to get a decent group together. Someone who can fly a dropship will sit it in the courtyard and everyone will load up as they join. When the dropship's full, the pilot will take it out into the warzone and the squad leader will pick a decent place to land and either defend or attack an outpost.


PlanetSide was by far the most original and interesting MMOG I've ever played, and I've played quite a few. Star Wars wasn't TOO bad, but the economy was so flocked it wasn't funny, and combat still broke down to autocombat with bonus buttons.

Edited by Daeval

Theres a free trial for PS now. And you get free Fileplanet Subscriber's too. I haven't much touch with it since it was retail, but it was pretty fun during the beta, the expansion I hear has mechs. Makes me so wanna start playing again.


Funny things can be done too, like doing a conga line after taking an enemy base over. Then getting owned by the very same force you forced out!

I am the only one that sees the dreadful timesink of MMORPGs as some kind of design flaw?  Aside from the extremely boring combat and repetetive.. well.. everything else.. nearly every problem they have is related to the more play time = success mentality.  Especially the way their economies go to crap in about a month because some people have no lives, or the hideously long travel times.

You're not alone. I feel the same way about MMOGs. That's why I hate them so much. You spend sooo much time doing the same stuff over and over again and you pay them a monthly fee to do it! If I ever want to do that, I'll just daydream thank you very much.

The only MMOG I've played that I didn't think fell into this category was PlanetSide. Granted, it's an FPS, not an RPG, and I played mostly in Beta. Earning experience still meant playing the game for a while, but that wasn't bad because the game was fun and varied, even at the first rank.


It's also the only MMOG I ever had any fun grouping in. All the players on your team (out of 3) start in one small spot, so it's pretty easy to get a decent group together. Someone who can fly a dropship will sit it in the courtyard and everyone will load up as they join. When the dropship's full, the pilot will take it out into the warzone and the squad leader will pick a decent place to land and either defend or attack an outpost.


PlanetSide was by far the most original and interesting MMOG I've ever played, and I've played quite a few. Star Wars wasn't TOO bad, but the economy was so flocked it wasn't funny, and combat still broke down to autocombat with bonus buttons.

I followed Planetside for a while and it looked fun because it was an FPS game...by the time it came out I stopped caring. But it sounded like a fun game with massive gun battles and stuff like that.


I'm waiting for a MMOFPSRPG that has modern combat at a global scale where different countries and factions can spread and take control. Kind of like Battlefield 2 on a much larger scale.


MMO haters! :P


Seriously, what game isn't like that? Nearly every RPG rewards you for spending more time on the game. Other games, in general, reward you for doing it as fast as possible, but to do it as fast as possible, you have to drop a fair amount of time into it.


Also, define repetitive. You can break almost every game down into a simple step by step process and make it sound repetitive.


The economies can be problematic.


The travel times are only really long in a crappy MMO. Like Star Wars Galaxies. In fact, SWG can't be used for any further arguments you have against MMOs.


The monthly fee is trivial, at best. Working at minimum wage, you'll get enough money to pay for it in one or two hours. Working a job that doesn't suck, you'll get the money in an hour or less. If you don't work because you're a poor little preteen, then you're screwed. But I know at lest one of the plaintiffs (and I'm pretty sure both of them) are in their 20s or very late teens.

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