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The DOA Creator has every right to say this about Tekken.


I have played both extensively, and the competition, Virtua Fighter. As a fighter, Dead Or Alive is really good. With the nice counter system, and the good execution of combinations, and the multi-tiered environments, it makes it a great fighter.


Tekken, from what I have played and seen, is a sit-and-wait fighter. ALWAYS, I see two veteran fighter just wait for someone to pounce. One wrong move, and it is curtains, because there is no effective way of cancelling an enemies combo while they are in the midst of one. Tekken 5 really hasn't evolved since Tekken 4.


I agree with the DOA creator. Tekken, really, is not up to par.

I'd argue that that when comparing Virtua Fighter and DOA, DOA is nowhere near technical.

Agozer knows what he's talkin' about there. DOA is in no way near as technical as Virtual Fighter is. Sure DOA has it's technicalities, but compared to DOA, DOA is just a Sheet of paper while VF is the friking Bible.


As I said in the previous thread where this link was originally posted, I agree with him (on some parts, while I agreed with him completely in his interview with Kikzu). No, i'm not a hardcore DOA fanboy by any means (they are however, some really nice renders of women, and I played DOAXVB for the Volleyball, which isn't half bad).


Tekken isn't up there imo with VF for it's bible study, it's more like a learning to use linux kde.


DOA is appealing due to the fact that it let the fighters fall down buildings, crash into eletctric fences and such. However I also know that Tekken 4 had those same features right? But final point is that DOA


has more good looking girls.

has more good looking girls.

See? People agree with me. :o Ayane = teh hot, not matter which angle you look at her from.


Sweet gal she is. Sweet, but you know, comes with all the deadly stuff.

Sweet gal she is. Sweet, but you know, comes with all the deadly stuff.

Truth. After all, she IS an assassin and killed Helena's mother. Badass.

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