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Mic really went ahead of himself :lol:
Yeah, he's been having immense fun. His ARM9's got full caching, and of course he has a working GPU; never mind the touchscreen. Kicks my arse into next week :(

One weak ahead? That's what i wanted to hear :(.


I'll wait for that release with arms wide open, sir.


It certainly is a nice emulator, but not all of the funtions shown in the screen shots work with the copy I downloaded.


Armwrestler at first shows a white screen on the top, then jsut crashes, and TetrisDS only works on the top screen. Does this happen with anyone else?


when I go to that site I see no screeenshots or a download :s


In Dualis, no GBA demo works. His armwrestler for Ds works 100% perfect with all oks.

Though the GBA armwrestler doesn't work at all.

And the ARM9 tetris doesn't even work for me, just garbled tetris pieces on both screens.

And only one screen outputs any gfx, the framebuffer test is missing the second gpu display.


Everything worked for me. I'd really, really like to get my hands on natrium's demo though. HyperDS shows it working as does Dualis but no one can produce the demo.



In Dualis, no GBA demo works.
It being a DS emulator, that doesn't particularly surprise me, sir.

I still don't see any links or screens on that site.. :\

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