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thought i'd start this as i am in need of some patches to roms i can't find and i'm sure theres plenty of others that are in the same boat -_-



270-m1 2559d801 to 49c9901a



268-p1n d99c035c to 24ea2e4d



matrn_s1 c4f4ed0e to aff2a3be




Samsho5 M1 crc32 49c9901a 512 Kb is the true M1 from MVS cart, but it isn't released yet. U must wait.



Mslug5nd P1 fully decrypted fixed by HappyASR crc32 d99c035c 1 Mb & P1 crc32 24ea2e4d 'R indeed the same P1 ; just open P1 crc32 d99c035c, roll down until the end of the file & erase HappyASR's signature in string, then U'll get Ur P1 crc32 24ea2e4d.



About Matrimnd S1, I haven't Ur 128 Kb S1 crc32 c4f4ed0e to make a patch.


thx Mr. X for the info on samsho5 m1 not being out yet, didn't know hehe.


and i hex the 268-p1n but it only works if you replace his sig with zero's or else you get a different crc if you delete it.


not sure where that s1 for matrim comes from but c4f4ed0e is what i get from winkawaks decrypting.


also i need a patch for garoud's 512k s1 if anyone can help me on that one, thx


U get mslug4nd S1 in decrypting matrimnd Cx with Winkawaks coz S1 data is not located into the 2 last 64 Kb segments from C7d & C8d respectively.


To get Ur mslug5nd P1n, just replace the sig with "octets zero's" : 00 00 00...


Garou 512 Kb S1 crc32 be2ba1a5 should be posted in RS forum.


thx again


i was able to find the s1 rom on rs forums as you said and i got lucky finding the matrn_s1 in an old disc that i used the classic kawa-hex :peopleseybrow:


ok i need another one:



s1 a7ab0e81 to 1961b826

i suggest to anyone looking for a patch, checkout this site:  http://webs.unitedemailsystems.com/neo04_1...ches/non_hacks/



I tried the patch samsh5sp-m1d_b5abda07_to_3ca75c37 which worked fine and gave me a 512 bin file,but then tried patching the 512 bin with the patch samsh5sp-m1d_3ca75c37_to_203d744e but ended up with a 2048 bin file but not with a crc of 203d744e.

Can anyone help me to convert m1d(b5abda07) to (203d744e)

Hope this makes sence to someone coz i dont know what the hell i'm doing !!



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