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After many months of thinking what we're going to do after Invision Board made it's message board script no longer free, came the day that we needed to buy a license. But where would the money come from in the first place? Even now I can't afford for an Invision Board license. However, one very good friend could afford it. This friend who I have known for well over 2 years and now almost 3 only on the Internet sent me $185.00 for this license. That friend, also Co-Owner of 1Emulation, was Magnis. Magnis is probabaly the nicest guy you'll ever know online and a great person to talk to. I met him on Arcade@Home and he's been with us ever since the beginning of EmulForums. Thank you very very much Magnis! And please, if you ever get the time, just give Magnis a PM, and say thanks. It would only take a minute of your time. Magnis is also working on his own emulation site to soon appear on your monitor which I will help him, as well as the 1Emulation staff, to get his website going. :D


This license will allows us to upgrade our forums for life which we'll be upgrading to v2.0.3 very soon. It is truly wonderful that we were able to get this and it couldn't have been possible without the People of 1Emulation!


Now as a person who see's $185.00 as a great amount of money, we have vowed to pay every cent back to Magnis. With these Advertisements, hopefully in a month, we shall send him the money back which is one of the reasons we recently registered with the advertisement companies. Now we have not decided on whether to keep the banner ads for future related material, but that will be for another new post. Let us acknowledge how courteous, generous, and kind human being Magnis has been to not only myself, but to the others at 1Emulation. Thanks again, buddy. :peopleseybrow:


This is definitely great news. Thanks a lot Magnis. :clapping: We'll be here to help you with your site too. :)


Well, it's good to make friends. I'm a student, so I can't spare even a cent, but I can say thanks and I can also click banners!


That's very generous of you Magnis....I remember discussing this with GC a little while ago. I was hoping to contribute towards the lifetime thingy, but I gets that's already settled. :clapping:


I'll still try to contribute periodically....once I get my bank account up to speed (buying this laptop killed me :)). Thanks again Magnis!!


magnis must be rich !!! how did he come up with that money ?? anyway THX magnis, ur kooler than every admin in here


That was a nice thing todo :) especially since none of us here actually know one another. Cheers for Magnis!!! hip hip hurrey!!!!!!!!! as they say in the hood good looking out man :clapping:

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