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Alright, here are some of the points made by Nintendo President Satoru Iwata.


http://www.ve3d.com[/url'>']During the hour-long event Iwata revealed that the Revolution will come equipped with wireless Internet out of the box, and be backwards compatible with GameCube titles, suggesting a continuation of their proprietary media format. With regards to the Nintendo DS, Iwata announced that subscription-free wireless Internet play will begin this year with the release of Animal Crossing DS.


Complete with 'Broadway' IBM CPU and 'Hollywood' ATI GPU, Iwata made clear that Revolution is something different, but declined to reveal further information, or a projected release date.


Update: Other bits from the keynote:


    * DS titles using voice recognition were demonstrated. Nintendogs tasks players with nurturing a pooch of choice, while Electroplankton is a harmonic chill-out title (This is designed to produce harmony, not adrenaline - Iwata).

    * Iwata dabbled in a live eight-player wireless local network game of Mario Kart DS.

    * 4 million DS units have shipped to North America and Japan; figure expected to rise to 6 million post-European launch.

    * Iwata defined Nintendo's strategy: "This is Nintendo's plan: make our existing game world better. For us, this is a passion. This is a mission of adventure."



Also, image gallery for new Zelda game: http://www.nintendo.com/screenshotgallery?...1-8f72874aee2e&


Video: http://media.nintendo.com/mediaFiles/52937...6f11617d1ab.mov






*drools at Zelda game*


If revolution uses the same media disc, this further backs up my theory that Nintendo is doomed. 1.5 gbs or whatever was not enough space from the first few months and it's the sheit now, but if next gen games still use that crap disc...well, I dunno. I'm not surprised mind you.


The use of bigger media such as HD-DVD and Blu-Ray means loads of dummy sectors.

so sad........ :clapping:       


M$ had a better keynote speech



Well Microsoft's system is coming out before so they are hyping earlier.


so finaly nintendo says there will be wireless net play for the nds :clapping:


also about the disk size.. the pc can run mini disks you know? maybe they will use larger media for the revolution but will run the small disk as well.. why didnt u think of that? cause its obvious they arent gona run 1.5 gig disk on a next gen system.


Well because they're idiots and they never learn that's why I didn't think of it.


CD's or Cartridge

Nintendo 64= Cartridge


DVD5 or DVD1.5?

GCN = DVD1.5


Blue Ray/HD/DVD

Revolution = 1.5 and maybe some kind of playdoh

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