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What is your favourite game starting with each letter of the alphabet? Don't spend too much time thinking about it, just write them down.


A - Age of Empires

B - Bauldur's Gate

C - Carmageddon 2

D - Duke Nukem 3D

E - Elder Scrolls

F - Fallout

G - Grand Theft Auto

H - Half-Life

I - Icewind Dale

J - Jagged Alliance 2

K - Kings Quest

L - Leisure Suit Larry (not the new one)

M - Max Payne 2

N - Neverwinter Nights

O - Operation Flashpoint

P - Populous

Q - Quake

R - Rainbow Six

S - System Shock 2

T - Tribes

U - Unreal Tournament

V - Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines

W - Worms Armageddon


Y - Yoshi's Island

Z - Zork


Some of those are series so if I didn't put a number that means I love them all. :thumbsup:


A - Age of Empires

B - Beyond Good and Evil

C - Counter - Strike

D - Diablo

E - Einhander

F - Final Fantasy

G - Grand Theft Auto

H - Half Life 2

I - Incredible Machine

J - Jedi Academy

K - King of Fighters

L - Lunar Blue

M - Mechwarrior Mercenaries

N - Need 4 Speed - Underground 2

O - Outrun

P - Prince of Persia

Q - Quackshot

R - Raiden

S - Shining Force

T - Twisted Metal

U - Unreal Tourny 2004

V - Vampire Saviour

W - Worms World Party

X - X Men vs SF

Y - Yoshi Island

Z - Zombies Ate my Neighbors

Posted (edited)

A - Apidya

B - Balder's Gate

C - Castlevania

D - Doom

E - Expendable

F - Final Fight

G - Gods

H - Half-Life

I - IL2 Sturmovik

J - Jazz Jackrabbit

K - King of Fighters

L - Lucky and Wild

M - Mortal Kombat

N - No Regret

O - Overdrive

P - Planescape: Torment

Q - Quake

R - R-Type

S - Speedball 2

T - Thief II - The Metal Age

U - Unreal Tournament

V - Vampire Saviour

W - Warlords: Battlecry II

X - Xenon 2: Megablast

Y - Yolanda

Z - Z-Out

Edited by Chaotica

A - Aliens vs. Predator 2

B - Burnout 3

C - Castlevania

D - Devil May Cry

E - Embodiement of the Scarlet Devil

F - FarCry

G - Guilty Gear X2

H - Half-Life

I - Imperishable Night

J - Jak & Daxtrer

K - King of Fighers

L - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

M - Max Payne 2

N - Nights into Dreams

O - Out of This World

P - Prince of Persia

Q - Quake

R - Ridge Racer V

S - Silent Hill

T - Tales of Eternia

U - Unreal

V - Virtua Fighter

W - Wild ARMs

X - X-Com Apocalypse

Y - Yoshi's Island

Z - Zool


A - Anarchox

B - Brothers In Arms

C - Command & Conquer

D - Dance Dance Revolution

E - Eternal Fighter Zero

F - Fate/Stay Night

G - Goldeneye

H - Harvest Moon

I - Intelligent Cube

J -

K - Kessen

L - Legend of Zelda

M - Melty Blood


O - Operation Flashpoint

P - Phantasy Star Online

Q - Queen of Fighters

R - Red Orchestra (does this count? it's a mod for UT2k4)

S - Street Fighter

T - Thousand Arms

U - Unreal Tournament

V - Virtua Fighter

W - Worms

X - Xenogears

Y - Y"s

Z - Zone of Enders


What the hell starts with J.


a- age of empires

b- breakout

c- castlevania

d- diakatana (lol not really)

e- earthbound

f- final fight

g- GTA3

h- hell: a cyberpunk adventure

i- illbleed

j- jedi knight

k- kings quest 6

l- legend of zelda

m- mortal Kombat

n- need for speed porshe unleashed

o- operation wolf

p- phantasy star 1

q- quake

r- raiden trad

s- Street Fighter II

t- Thief

u- Unreal Tournament

v- Virtua Fighter 4

w- err, Winkawaks! :P

y- yellow happyman joy unit for great justice (I dunno)

x- xmen vs. SF

z- zone of enders


that was hard.... so many great games start with S.

Posted (edited)

a - Advance Wars 2

b - Beyond Good & Evil

c - Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn

d - The Dig

e - E.V.O.

f - Final Fantasy II (US)

g - Gunstar Heroes

h - Hitman: Codename 47

i - Ico

j - Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast

k - King of Fighters ('97, '98, or '02)

l - Lemmings

m - Morrowind (Elder Scrolls III)

n - Ninja Gaiden

o - Ogre Battle

p - Primal Rage

q - Quake 1

r - Red Orchestra

s - Secret of Mana

t - Time Crisis 2

u - Unreal Tournament 2004

v - Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution

w - Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War

x - X-Men (The old arcade beat 'em up)

y - You Don't Know Jack

z -....?


This was tough, especially chosing Morrowind over Megaman 2 or E.V.O., and choosing Time Crisis 2 over Team Fortress (the original!). I couldn't think of any Z's that I'd actually played..


Edit: Agh, I forgot DOOM! Oh well, The Dig stays 'cause I'm not supposed to think about it. :P

Edited by Daeval

A - Abe's Exodus (Oddworld)

B - Baldur's Gate

C - Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross

D - Drakenguard

E - Earthbound

F - Final Fantasy VIII

G - Golden Eye

H -

I - Ikaruga

J - Jak & Daxter


L - Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

M - MORTAL KOMBAT! dun dun dun dun

N - Neverwinter Nights

O - Oddworld: Abe's Odyssey

P - Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

Q - Quake 2

R - Resident Evil 4

S - Super Street Fighter

T - Toejam and Earl

U - Ultraverse Prime

V - Virtua Cop

W - Winback

X - Xmen (Original Arcade Game)

Y -

Z - Zone of the Enders


Another Earthbound lover. Sweet. It demands respect, like Cave Story.

Posted (edited)

A - Arctic (MUD)

B - Bonk's Adventure (series)

C - Critical Depth

D - Diablo II LoD

E - Einhander

F - Final Fantasy II (US)

G - GTA (series)

H - Halo

I - Ikari Warriors (series)

J - Jak & Daxter (series)

K - King of Fighters

L - Legend of Zelda (series)

M - Metal Slug (series)

N - NBA Live (series)

O - Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath

P - Phantasy Star (series)

Q - Quake (series)

R - Ratchet & Clank (series)

S - Super Metroid

T - Twisted Metal (1,2, Black)

U - Unreal Tournament (series)

V - Vigilante 8

W - Wild Arms

X - Xenogears

Y - Yoshi's Island

Z - Zone of Enders


that was hard.... so many great games start with S.


Agreed. Some letters I had a hard time even coming up with a game I liked and others, like 'S', had a whole lot of games I liked.

Edited by Thraxen

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