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Our hostee Classic-Shock has updated their "Full Frontal" page which will soon consist of downloads to all their newest shockboxes. N3oGh0zt, the creator of the site has more designs than just about any other neogeo insert site. It is remarkable with the work he has done, so check it out for all you NeoGeo fans!



Updated the Full-Frontal Page with Samurai Shodown 4, special thanks to Dash No Chris and GMW from the neo-geo.com forums. Also uploaded my Kizuna and Aerofighters 2 designs. The SS4 insert will likely be the first to go up for download as it will include a fan-made instruction manual that uses my front design for the cover.

»» "Full Frontal" Page

»» http://classic-shock.1emulation.com


Those inserts are excellent, but seeing as I don't even have Neo-Geo carts, I have little use for those. :P Eh, i might as well grab them for my insert collection.


That looks awesome...damn I wish I had a neogeo. One of our banner thingies advertised a company that was rereleasing the NES...wish they could do the same for Neogeo...but cheaper. :P


Those are flocking cool! Some of the engrish is a little weird, but the composition definately rocks.


Does anyone know where I could get the source art he used for the front cover of Fatal Fury: Real Bout?


Wow!! Those are great! I really like the Metal Slug ones, but they are all top-notch. *Downloaded for the sheer coolness of the artwork*. Hmm, might even use one for Windows wallpaper. :lol:

nice work, me wishes i had a neogeo :(


Just go to N3o's house. :P

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