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might need to move those missing pictures to another site


i will dl the latest version and try it on the demos i have


Federilli, try putting all those images in a zip file and if it's less than 3 mb you can upload it at fastuploads.info.


version 2a... w00t !!


closing a rom still causes a crash


About message has wrong year should be 2005


loose files:

afire.gba works

armwrestler.bin much the same as before

copperbars.bin works

fill1.bin pauses itself (same as before)

fontdisp.bin works

leonard.gba black screen

lgtron.gba works

m5bump.gba three blobs which move around, and "mode 5" message - correct?

sg_bump.bin large white moving blob - is this correct?

TetrisARM9.bin - crash

tunnel.bin works

walk3d.gba works

wstein.gba works flickers badly


from the log:

a bunch of unpredictable opcodes encountered with the armwrestler, and some read from cpf

some strange write to cpf messages with tetrisarm9


now for the zip files:

airzonk.zip screen full of green things, no response

AsteroidsCA.zip black screen

Atomix - playing area gone

blocktrap - opening screen, then no response

console.zip - dsemu freezes windows says is not responding

copper.zip - works

CuteCube.zip - crashes emu

ff2gba.zip - black screen

ff2gba0.zip - black screen

GBA_Impact - can see the first screen now, excellent. Play game, field appears then no response to keys

gbacc.zip - black screen

hazuki011 - the missing graphics are now visible, but the boxers have vanished. The game is almost working!

Mario.zip - black screen

Mortal Konsole - graphics are better but the players have vanished

santa-escapes - intro screen, followed by black screen

sotb.zip - crashes emu

TetrisCA - a small blue mark and nothing else

thingpong - black screen. After a while the emu crashes. The splash screen used to work.

ws6demo - splash screen then nothing else

yathzee.zip - the game displays a crash message "Assertion failed 0 in file INT.C at line -40 message: Reached empty int this means you have an int on, but not set to a function. press any key to ignore but remember that video and vram recovery is unlikely." Pressing any key just brings this message up again.


from the log.txt:

console.gba - zillions of undefined opcodes

santa_escapes - some unimplemented opcodes, 2 unpredictable, and 3 undefined


If you need more info on any of these let me know here


Fixed the pòsts, as you can see, sprites are completelly skipped. And double buffering is broken.


well, i think that emulating the sprites is a good idea, i test some roms with rotation and now works better, and the bottons are working well but i dont know if are working x and y.

i will test som demos and i will post if something comes up. see ya!!!


Well, the X and Y buttons don't work because they are mapped to the secondary CPU which Two9A hasn't taken full advantage of yet (I'm not sure if he's even emulated the 2nd CPU at all).

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