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Ok, it's about time we have a serious discussion instead of the usual pointless game crap we always talk about. If you don't know what this case is about, check the stuff out here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terri_Schiavo and http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&ned=us&i...tnG=Search+News


But the jist of it is that this woman, Terri Schiavo, has been clinically brain dead for 15 years and her husband wants to remove life support because he says it is what she wanted. Her parents object to that and have been trying to keep her life support on. Just the other day a judge decreed that her food tube be removed.


So, what are you opinions about this situation and what would you like have done to you if you were in her position? As a spouse what would you do and what would you do as a parent?


Please think before you post and lets not escalate this into a flame war.

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Just let her go. Its sad but if she doesn’t know who she is or has the capacity to communicate if the simplest of forms then why should she have to just sit their and be a veg. the rest of her life...


I do agree that this is a serious discussion. Well i think I would have let her go. I mean all she has done in the past 15 years is stay on her death bed waiting for a cure....a cure that will not prolly exist in our lifetime, plus i believe its costing them about a million+ $$ for the medical bills...


I'd have to agree with letting her go. She may not be "suffering" in some ways, but in many others, she is, and to keep her alive in such a state is also making others suffer as well. I understand both her husband's side, as well as her parents, but if there is such a slim chance that any kind of recovery will ever be seen in her, then it seems cruel to let her live in such a way. And for the American government to intervene in such a matter is rediculous, IMO. This should be between the family members involved, period. Terri Schiavo even told her husband that if she was ever in such a situation, that she did not want to be kept alive as she has been all these years. I myself would not want to be kept alive if it was 99.9% certain that I would never be able to live in even the most basic capacity.


I side with her husband. In fact I would've done it several years ago. I know that, for me at least, that's the worst possible torture you could administer someone. Something so horrible that they can't even tell it's been done to them.


this is a prime example of why people need to think of this type of thing at let their families know thier wishes. my wife and mother know what to do if this were to happen to me. And I know what to do if it were to happen to someone in my family. there would be no arguement because we all know what we would want in a situation like that. I don't think a judge should be making this decision. and I don't think starving her to death is the right way to let her pass.


This whole thing is a complicated situation

i kinda agree with you that she should be let go, but i have heard that many factors go against the whole the husband who said she wanted this


-He hired private doctors to chech her status and did not let a specialist from the courts handle it (meaning misdiagnoses is possible)


-The incedent of how she got the heart attack was never checked

(it could have been induced)


-it took 7 years for him to realize his wife told him to pull the plug.

while he remarried and had two children. (cough cough)


Is there an insurance claim involved?


-He left a court case because the florida girl who got killed made him sad.


-He put a restraining order on the parents to see their child. how cold is that. He also never like the parents


the part of her brain the cornea that was damaged can possibly create a low level type existance where she could understand shadows and light and twitch her hand for responses


but the parents may also be wrong and what they did with the congress thing is sorta unconstitutional


so i guess if she were to die i would prefer an execution style killing than starving someone to death as that is more inhuman.


I watched BBC World yesterday and saw a program about this... nasty. I think she should be let go.


Oh this is a tough choice , one of which i would wish on no one. Since she has been brain dead for like 15 yrs, I say let her go. But since she still has a few functions and a heartbeat, something is driving her to stay alive. I think the husband should cut his involment since he is with another woman with kids. Its like he is trying not to be a bastard for moving on and hanging on to Teri out of guilt or something.


I am gonna have to side with the husband.


Maybe 10 years ago I would have sided with the brother, but he has had 15 years to do something and yet she still sits in a vegitative state in the hospital. I was watching the news over the weekend and both the husband and the brother were on there. The brother kept saying that that with medication and therapy, she could recover. The thing that I don't understand is that she is missing her frontal lobe and is incapable of operating independently.


The thing that really pisses me off is that all of these people and politians have come out of the wood work trying to "help" someone that they know nothing about. Congress has even passed a law specifically to keep her alive. The law is for her and for her alone. Congress has gone so far as to call it the Terri Schiavo law. They have also limited it so that it can't benefit anyone else. I don't know about you, but my interpretation has been that laws are for the good of the country as a whole and are not supposed to be targeted to any one person.


There a many people a day who are allowed to die in hospitals so that they do not have to continue to live in their current situation, what makes Terri Schiavo's situation so special and why has this gone to the supreme court?


Let her go. The parents only want her kept alive because "She might come out of it someday"


I honestly think that keeping her alive is very cruel. She has no quality of living, if she does wake up, everything in her life will have changed.

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