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They can't show Venom or Carnage without showing the black Spidey suit (the alien symbiosis).


I'll put my money on Electro, Mysterio or Kraven :P

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I don't think many will be disappointed if the next villain was a less complex character than one is used to seeing in the comics. It's a diferent medium to work in with movies obviously, and as I said there's only so much time to put what you want in film.

It would depend on the extreme to which it is taken. I'm all for a more immediately threatening villian, but at the same time it's important to maintain the feel of the comics. If not handled delicately, you risk losing that element and getting the "dumbed down" feel that comic book and video game movies have long been known for. So far, I think they've done a pretty good job with balancing action with drama, although I can certainly understand wanting more of an "action" leaning with the next one.


They can't show Venom or Carnage without showing the black Spidey suit (the alien symbiosis).

They could shorten it a bit if the black costume stowed away with the astronaut Jameson, introduced in part 2, found Parker on earth, and eventually moved on to Eddie Brock (already mentioned in part 1). It would be no Secret Wars, but it would be an easy timelimit fix. Could easily be pulled in 2 movies if they decided to make a part 4.

They can't show Venom or Carnage without showing the black Spidey suit (the alien symbiosis).


Actually it can be possible to do it without or at least used as an introduction for Venom. What can be done is have a meteor/comet/happy meal/whatever crash with the symbiote in it. Brock be around thinking this could redeem his status in the Daily Bugle then WHAM!, Venom is born. You could make the black Spidey just a cameo near the end of the film as if Spidey finally got the symbiote off of Brock and is now fighting with it off of hisself.


I say this cuz when have you seen a Spidey film totally accurate to the film. And making 2 films for Venom (1 to introduce the suit then the second brings Venom) is completely stupid and a waste of movie making money.

I say this cuz when have you seen a Spidey film totally accurate to the film.  And making 2 films for Venom (1 to introduce the suit then the second brings Venom) is completely stupid and a waste of movie making money.

I was thinking more along the lines of having the black costume appear in one film while spidey fights another villian, such as the announced Sandman. The costume isn't the main focus, but is an important sideplot, sort of like how they handled Peter's home life in part 2. The film version of the black-costume era in the comic books, if you will. The bell tower scene resolves the conflict and the deal is apparently done.


The road is paved for Venom in part 4, fans get to see spidey's legendary conflict with the black costume as well as the movie they were going to get anyway, and the writers don't have to resort to any hackneyed hollywood BS to get the costume on Brock.


Not that I expect it to happen, but it would work.


sandman gets no complaints from me. I really hoped for electro, he's always been my favorite spidy villian, aside from venom.


There are rumors on the sony compound that there are concept designs of the sandman all around the room, so maybe thats the villian.


hey it makes sense as the green gobling may need a muscle to do the dirty work.

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