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When i uploaded the MJ Moonwalker mame rom (mwalk.zip) it wouldnt be listed on my roms list so i checked the dats and it has moonwalk not mwalk so i just renamed mwalk to moonwalk MameDoX dected it and loaded it after its say about the vid emualtion not being right message it just freezes on a black screen forcing me to restart my xbox. what should i do?


im gonna be the 1st to say this........Why the hell would you want to run that rom?


lol sorry i just had to say that.......


i personally dont use Mame so i wouldnt know


i knew some1 would say that :naughty: Personally i find the game fun and funny about the fact that you save kids and all :banghead: Anyways i cant seem to get this rom to work on MAMEDoX v1.0 any help?


Lmao im actually gonna try this out.........:naughty:'


i only have the Genesis rom >_< could never find the mame one


Since MAMEdOX is based on v0.84 the main mwalk set doesn't work. You need to run the bootleg clone set if you want the game to run.


well i just looked into this and the bootleg set for Moonwalker is moonwlkb for MAMEDoX and the only bootleg set i found for this rom was mwalkbl so do i just rename the mwalkbl rom to moonwlkb?


best to use the dat for mamedox and romcenter to make sure the romset is correct as there were a lot of changes since mame 84 set for moonwalker to now


well i just looked into this and the bootleg set for Moonwalker is moonwlkb for MAMEDoX and the only bootleg set i found for this rom was mwalkbl so do i just rename the mwalkbl rom to moonwlkb?

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