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Posted (edited)

PD Bins Concurrent Testing



Buggy or Bad



- 2d-Example-Orignal.bin: No Plasma in lower screen anymore (never worked on original DS?)

- 2d-Example-Modified.bin: Same as above.

- 3d-Example.bin: No output (not surprising) (using updated version)

- armwrestler.ds.arm9.bin: No output anymore on lower screen (bug or never worked on NDS?)

- drops-arm9.bin: no longer works

- dsPaint.bin: lower screen no color selection/changing/etc. Upper screen looks correct.

- first_emu.bin: No longer works is the plasma section of the 2d_example bins.

- PandaForth.bin: No input (needs an updated version see -> http://torlus.com/index.php?Nds)

- Tetris1player-arm9.bin: Probably buggy coding now (the original top screen Tetris) (freezes a second after starting)

- texture_emu.bin: No texture image could be non-true NDS coding

- tile02.bin: Works except it might be using incorrect touchscreen coding in rom since it picks up the icon to the left of where u touch. (supposedly does work on real hardware see -> http://www.dspassme.com/demos.shtml )

- under_pressure-arm9.bin: Got worse, one of Natrium42's demos.


Drunken Coder Demos - All demos listed here seem to just crash Dualis and the few that I have with the same name didn't come from here. Any idea why these crash?




- battleshipds-arm9.bin: Works

- birds-arm9.bin: Works

- cube-arm9.bin: Works

- HelloWorld-arm9.bin: Works

- mines-arm9.bin: Works

- mode4dc.nds.arm9.bin: Works (obviously)

- mode4ep.nds.arm9.bin: Works (obviously)

- mode6.nds.arm9.bin: Works (obviously) - the Updated version (very cool)

- nibbles-arm9.bin: works

- PongDS.bin: works

- ship_emu.bin: works

- Tetris2player-arm9.bin: works

- tri_emu.bin: Still works -_-


Emulator Interface bug:


This is just one that struck me.. If you accidentally close the Video Output Window you have to close Dualis to open it up again. It'd be nice to not have to restart Dualis to reopen one window. Lol, If possible remove the ability to close the window, or if you close the video it should also close Dualis, or an option to open video output.



Edited by ieremiou
Posted (edited)

My testing:


I've renamed a few demos to avoid confusion with GBA ones


2d_emu : top good, bottom blank (regression)

all armwrestlers are blank (regression)

birds-arm9 : works (advance)

drops-arm9 : touchscreen not working (regression)

mode4demos : working (advance)

DSnibbles : working (advance)

DSpaint : works, responds to touchscreen, but bottom screen is blank (regession)

first : blank (regression)

lights : crash

mines-arm9a : works (advance)

testris-1p and tetris-2p only work if dualis is freshly started. cannot change background colours (regression)

under_pressure : the "atoms" are corrupted (regression)


all NDS roms crash the emu


all roms that I haven't mentioned, behave the same as in R5

Edited by robbbert
- armwrestler.ds.arm9.bin: No output anymore on lower screen (bug or never worked on NDS?)

This is a bug in r6. I added a check to see if all background layers were disabled, but I shouldn't do that when using VRAM display mode (like armwrestler, 2d_emu, drops, dspaint etc).


all NDS roms crash the emu

nibbles.nds works. tetris.nds works.


Tetris: nds


I don't know if nibbles.nds is available somewhere, I got it from the author (DesktopMan).

Posted (edited)

Mic I have a question, why does it seem like the touchscreens on the bottom? In Birds you have to press the bottom half to fire and in minesweeper it *looks* like you need to have the touchscreen on the bottom. I always though the touchscreen was ony spose to be on the top x_X.


As for demos same as them except the sprite clippings still messed up on PongDs.


Also dont know if this matters but if you open another rom while another oens already open and paused. If you bring the open screen over the video output it erases parts of the output. Im not sure if you run it again it fixs itself. But it is kinda fun to do.

Edited by NukeFall
Posted (edited)

Oh thats right. Sorry man i just woke up so im not thinking clearly haha. But on another note. If it is the touch screen on the bottom why does mines have it so the "Touch to start" Is on the top then? Even if you touch the bottom it does continue but you can also touch the top to continue. Shouldnt there be some sort of block there?


Also then pong runs on the bottom half of the screen which works with all the normall buttom commands and without touch. I thought that the buttons were for the top screen and the bottom screen changed based just on the info from the top screen.


(Sorry if this is another stupid question I'm still waking up)


Also i thought it would be a cool feature to have something like the Autofire Button on some emulators but for the Touch screen. Like just if you press a button to drag you dont have to press the mouse it just assumes its pressed so you can drag it. But at this point that suggestion doesnt matter ha.

Edited by NukeFall

I downloaded the latest version of Mines, and there's no "Touch to start" on the top screen. Also, clicking the top screen should do nothing. The emulator ignores all mouseclicks except the ones on the bottom screen.

Posted (edited)

Hmm thats odd i may have an older version but i can post screens one sec

Ah well nvm there is a touch to start screen which i have a screen of. The whole top screen thing was actually just a thing that was caused by me i was testing something else and it messed up my screen for a bit. Maybe i dont have the latest mines but the one i have has a touch to start. Actually the latest mines has a very nice touch to start screen with cool graphics. The one im using was an old one where the touch to start appeared on the top the new one has it on the bottom where it should be so it was just a rom error.

Edited by NukeFall

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