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A couple of days ago i wrote that why do we need both a GBA and a DS emulater when there is a seperate one for the GBA. Then Nukefall and Two9A said....


Well did you guys start working on the GBA emu(ex VisualBoyAdvance)or did you start from scratch?


By the way why the name Two9a if you dont mind?

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did you guys start working on the GBA emu or did you start from scratch?
There's only one developer here. If Nukefall throws me what he's done with the config, there'll be an official contribution, but I'll still be the dev :thumbsup1:


I started with emulating the GBA, but the code is (most)all my own work; you could say I started on this from scratch. If you grab old versions of DSemu, you'll note they can only open GBA demos. Even now, I have more screenshots of GBA stuff running than I do for DS, and this situation will remain for a while.

By the way why the name Two9a if you dont mind?
Try converting from hexadecimal to decimal.
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