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Here is an update by Scull at the Ninphin site:


It's been 1 year now, since I slowly started to lose interest in the project. Since the last update there has been no progress and a lot in my life has changed. Honestly, I stopped coding at all.

Ninphin was never planned to be dead before it's release.

But though, I will release parts of the source code once I get some time. But at least, I learned a lot while coding it and met cool people. I don't have anything more to say. Sorry for those who waited for nothing.


- Scull


There were no releases of any sort and only a handful of screenshots but it's always a sad thing when an emulator is discontinued.


>> Official Ninphin Site: http://ninphin.emulation64.com/


Heh, kinda ironic... It's discontinued now and I wonder how many people actually new it existed.

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