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Woohoo!! Jagged Alliance 3D is being made! So awesome. Check out the link for screenshots and more info. http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=24670


If you're never played Jagged Alliance...then you suck. Plain and simple.


Each mission is a level, on which the team of player appears and executes the combat task. In the real-time mode the player can control team, which can be arranged of 6 fighters (max). Mission considers accomplished if all of the soldiers of the enemy are destroyed. For successful execution of the mission the player gets money. Team of the player gathers experience and grows over itself.


Between missions the player can hire/fire the mercenaries, can buy/sell the ammunition, choose the mission from available on given moment missions (all of non accomplished missions of episode are available simultaneously).


They'll flock it up somehow. I just know it.


Still, Jagged Alliance games were sweet. Lots is playtime in those.


i loved the second one where you answered questions to see what kind of merc would suit you, i got "stealth leader"


must dig that out, i was right at the end of game but never finished it


They were hard as hell but the gameplay and design suited my tastes perfectly.


But Agozer, you're right, they'll probably screw it up some how. I just go they don't.

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