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It's a testing time for r8, the most obviously noticeable thing is the presence of a new bug....


2d_emu, 2dexample_arm9 : works


armwrestler.w1, armwrestler.w2 : works, all tests passed


battleship : no response by clicking on the start bar, so it cannot run [new bug]


birds_arm9 : white screen [new bug]


bug : works [apart from its own bug]


calc_arm9 : cannot see keypad [new bug]


cube_emu, first1, ship_emu : works


davr_arm9 : white on top, black on bottom (i wish i knew what this is supposed to do)


drops_arm9 : works except top screen is white


mode4dc, mode4ep, mode6 : works


dspaint : works except palette selection is way out


mcommand : white screen [new bug]


mines_arm9a : top screen white, graphics corrupted [new bug]


nibbles10, nibbles11 : works


pandaforth : white screen [new bug]


pongDS : ball is missing [new bug]


smantouch : works


sponge-arm9 : brown screen [new bug]


tetris-1p, tetris-2p, tetris10, tetris11 : working except cannot change background colour any more at all.


texture_emu : white square [no change]


tile02 : works but touchscreen way out of alignment


under_pressure : atom still corrupt [no change]


all the other NDS demos give a strange message :

Suspect ARM9 size 870893400 bytes.

Are you sure you wish to proceed?

Yes No

Selecting Yes causes a crash.


I assume that by playing with the ini file, I may be able line up the touchscreen? Is that correct?


MIC, hope this provides usuable info for you.

Posted (edited)

The "Suspect ARM9 size xxxxxxxx bytes." usually means that the file is corrupt, or in an unrecognized format. There are some.nds files around that aren't really.nds files.


Battleships works, the touchscreen is just a bit off so you have to click a little bit below where you're supposed to.


PongDS doesn't work on hardware from what I've heard, neither does Sponge or Missile Command. I don't know if Birds has been tested on hardware so I'm not sure if it's supposed to work or not.

Edited by mic

Battleships, yes it works by clicking a bit below.


I will have to work out the proper corrdinates for the ini file.


Why would people release things that don't run on the actual DS? It doesn't make sense. I'm sure you are correct, though.


I don't think Battleship even uses the calibration data. I know how I could fix this though, so in the next release it should work properly in both cases.


It's looks like the calibration data has no effect on any of my demos. The pointer is always down and to the right of where it should be.


Do you have any plans on supporting passme (PME) files? They all cause a crash.

Posted (edited)

Aside from the obvious touchscreen inability to calibrate with current demos as far as i can tell, most "working on hardware" demos work.


There is a new Mines version 4 that works in Dualis. There seems to be some minor graphical corruption though on the lower screen after the Touch to Start. I'm not certain but it looks like that.


Also there seems to be graphical corruption in the drops demo which is shown to work on hardware.


Oh and there is an improved Sponge Demo (still not complete) that works in Dualis r8 but not on hardware.


And no 3D capabilities as of yet which iDeaS seems to be plowing into and skipping the 2D capabilities. That seems to be the major difference between the two aside from PME loading and the use of the arm7.bin in iDeaS.





EDIT: Just came across a very minor bug in the Dualis GUI, the X closer does not work on the Tile Viewer window. Clicking it does nothing at all. lol.

Edited by ieremiou

Something I forgot:


You can change the "theme" colour with a command-line argument. The program dsPaint.bin will display the theme name. Here is the list to convert number to name:


0,2 - grey

1,12 - maroon

3 - pink

4 - orange

5 - yellow

6 - lime

7 - green

8 - dark green

9 - teal

10 - light blue

11 - blue

13 - dark purple

14 - light purple

15 - dark pink

any other - unknown



>dualis -theme 2 dspaint.bin


I haven't seen any use for this yet.


Actually, 2 is red and 12 is dark blue.

This is the color theme setting that you get to select on a real DS in your personal settings.

The only demo I know of that uses it so far is Darkstar (a multi-application demo containing dsPaint and smo mini games). Darkstar supports on-the-fly theme changes, which will be in the next release of Dualis (ie changing the theme at runtime using the combobox on the "Memory" tab).




Now I wish I had a real Nintendo DS and a PassMe or Flashcard to do this lol.


It's been updated recently today cause the dSpaint part is version 0.2 now. It also has tic-tac-toe and checksout.


Sweet lol.

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