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Two9A, I am not sure if they have something similar in England but in the US there is a place called freecycle.org, where people offer old things for free. I recently got an old pc from there for free. The pc was a pentium 2 but it works. I gave that pc to a friend of my who needed it for her first year in college. You could see if England has something similar to that website or program.


Also I in the past I would go trash hunting for old pc. In the US, people throw out working pc because they can not get rid off a virus or get a new one. I usually took it apart for parts and rebuilt a pc from the parts with my friends. You could try that also.


I like the DSEMU because so far most demos I have tried with it work on my pc. The other emu have not worked with my pc. I would like if you get a pc to restart working on DSEMU. You were the first to start this project and it would be cool if you could finish it.


I had to get that off my chest.


I hope that what ever happens that the work, Two9A, start will be the first to produce a working DSEMU. (Crossing my fingers and hoping that everyone does too.)

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