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MPAA shuts down 6 more torrent sites

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i personally hate torrents, newsgroups is a hell of a lot better when you have a good server :P


Which isn't saying much. That's what you meant, right?


None of those sites held any value to me, but still, the MPAA can shove it.

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Movies I can see......but TV shows? Whats stopping me from taping em at home and handing out copies to EVERYONE I know? NOTHING! Not even if I lived in the US.

I'm getting so sick and tired of the whining from the MPAA and the RIAA......shut up bitches.

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Movies I can see......but TV shows? Whats stopping me from taping em at home and handing out copies to EVERYONE I know? NOTHING! Not even if I lived in the US.

I'm getting so sick and tired of the whining from the MPAA and the RIAA......shut up bitches.

you're from canada. They're not going to do anything to you. Notice that most of these sites were either located in the u.s, or in the European Union
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I don't feel like waiting on the pdf, someone post the jist, what sites?

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This website has been permanently shut down because it facilitates the illegal downloading of copyrighted motion pictures. The illegal downloading of motion pictures robs thousands of honest, hard-working people of their livelihood, and stifles creativity. Illegally downloading movies from sites such as these without proper authorization violates the law, is theft, and is not anonymous. Stealing movies leaves a trail. The only way not to get caught is to stop.


Those people are making so much money already, yet they still want us to stop and make even more money??!! NO WAY, exeem needs to get better so when the death of BT comes everyone can switch

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