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well i just finished the nintendo press, and there were some ok things, and some whatever things :)


Like i really care, but its nice to see that they havent "totally" ditched the DS. Coming out with music visual software is another step up in unique handheld capabilty. and with Nintendogs where i can see little kids and lots of ladies playin, i admit its pretty darn cute. but how far will it go? to me, not too far. its another digital pet thing but on a different level.


Gameboy Micro was such a buzz kill. When the Micro was taken out, everyone was like OOooOOOOoOoo AAHahhhhHHHH oOoOooooO. then when it was announced that the Micro was just a smaller GBA, it left me sayin, WTF? Obviously, Nintendo isnt a stranger to the handheld market, but coming out with even a smaller version of something that already has 2 versions of it, i say thats a waste of money. Rather than milking somethin that is already proven to be sucuessful, why not use that same money to better the DS. Sure DS has outsold PSP for the time being, but what happens when PSP comes out with more software and a price drop (slight or not). Micro is cute, but not revolutionary.


On to the Revolution. Design wise, its plain, simple and fuuckin smaller. obviously that was Nintendo's objective to make things simplier and conpact, but thats for open interpetation. i personally dont like it that much, but to be fair, its not the worse thing i ever saw. it was funny how the CEO just pulled it out of his jacket haha. I really want to see how the controller is. Though im favoring the PS3, the controller is just a lot to process haha. its very boomrang-ish. So i hope like the system, the look of it wont be too complex (gamecube, N64) Rumors of a revolutionary controller specs have been floating around like touchscreens rather than buttons. we'll just have to wait and see...Power wise, it doesnt seem to be up there with 360 and PS3. saying that its 2-3 times stronger than gamecube, but on the other side, their systems are dozens more times stronger. revolution will be the company's life saver, or the beginning of a near end. my two cents and im tired :P


I think the Revolution has the best design so far. That is something I would not mind owning.

I think the Revolution has the best design so far. That is something I would not mind owning.


compared to 360 and ps3, this is the only thing that would match best in most entertainment setups. i dig the blue glow. i like lookin at it, but it could get boring to look it after awhile hehe. i dont like it that much, but i dont hate it like GAH~!!! the size can be one thing, im tired of smaller things, where are the normal sizes at?? haha and where are those darn controllers at?? :)

I like how the new consoles look sleek and high-tech. :P



lol but the ps3 looks like something ud have in the kitchen :)

So what? I more than ecstatic if my consoles match my kitchen appliances. :)


The model seen isn't the final, but expect maybe a colour change a few inchs off it when it hits final.


I like the look of the rev. it actually makes me want to buy it rather than xbox 1.5 or the foreman ps3, simple yet slick.


Hey did you all realize this is the first project name nintendo is using for the final product, what up with that.

Hey did you all realize this is the first project name nintendo is using for the final product, what up with that.

Actually, the Nintendo DS which was it's code name became it's final name too.

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