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Who the flock want to play using a smaller screen when we have PSP with the wide screen and all the details so magnificently shown to let you show off to other people? :P

Who the flock want to play using a smaller screen when we have PSP with the wide screen and all the details so magnificently shown to let you show off to other people? :P

The ability to put stick it in trendy tight jeans and go "look at me, I have a GB Micro, I'm so cool."

Who the flock want to play using a smaller screen when we have PSP with the wide screen and all the details so magnificently shown to let you show off to other people? :P

The ability to put stick it in trendy tight jeans and go "look at me, I have a GB Micro, I'm so cool."

It's a gaming machine. Anything the size of Ipod is not a gaming machine! :D :D I feel sorry for nintendo :war:

Who the flock want to play using a smaller screen when we have PSP with the wide screen and all the details so magnificently shown to let you show off to other people? :)


Your perfectly right, tho, when you do show it off, don't you ever get that feeling that someone and his/her friends are going to punch you in the face and run away with it?


lol nintendo should die already  :)


Give them one more chance, they did make most of our beloved classics and super smash bro's.


Espeically with Revolution. That 20 years of games got me really really interested seeing how I was going to brush the system off until it became a budget price just like GCN.

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