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No, it's not a game. It seems there is a blackout at E3. I think this is hilarious! Muahahaha!


Once power is restored, hopefully there will be more coverage.


reminds me of California old rolling black outs from 2001


only happend in the district that LA is in though, cause the electric company there (Edison) was doing bad service. Didn't affect us here though, we have our own electricity

"The power outage stemmed from a problem with the city's power grid.... We're working with them to rectify it as soon as possible," Rauch said, adding that the show floor would open as scheduled at 10 a.m. PDT.


The Los Angeles Department of Waste and Power said the electricity went out in the early morning, affecting a small part of the Los Angeles Convention Center. Power officials brought in a backup generator and said electricity would be restoredD in about six hours.





yeah, that would be the downside of moving anywhere close to LA


extremely high electric bill


/me sigh


As long as the show goes on I really don't see this info usefull <.<. Gryph wants all game to die that arent PC related so I understand why he posted this :D

/me sigh


As long as the show goes on I really don't see this info usefull <.<. Gryph wants all game to die that arent PC related so I understand why he posted this :D

Wait, what? You do know that PC games are also present at E3? I'm just laughing because it's a huge blunder during one of the biggest game industry events.


It's 2000 all over again!


Do these blackouts happen often? I mean it's bad luck enough that the blackout affected E3.

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