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Seeing how today is Thrusday. IGN/Gamespy/Gamespot is going slow so I'm going with the other sources now other then the big 3.


Samurai Shodown 5 screenshots (looks like they added SP levels, i'm not 100% sure)

Midway Arcade Treasures ! (woooot!)

Sega tease

DOAXV 2 (Yeah, now I can see boobs rendered, IN REAL TIME...AGAIN!)

Lunar DS Screenshots! | Scan of Lunar DS Press Kit from Ubisoft

Sega games shown on the floor.

Kameo stuff

Perfect Dark Zero Impressions

Metal Gear Ac!d 2 Screenshots (it better be...better)

Tony Hawk's American Wasteland

Prince of Persia 3 preview (I hope Ubi calls me again )

Interview with Itagki by 1up (Honestly, download the vid, it's just insane)


Phantasy Star Universe Trailer (in mov format at GT)

Okami Trailer (also in mov - VERY COOL IMO)

Aeon Flux Trailer

New Super Mario Bros. impressions

.hack//G.U. (pictures of this are floating around)

Keiji Inafune interview with IGN (Revals more on Onimusha Dreams)

Nintendo's Booth was crowded

Producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi, of Killer 7, RE4 and DMC interview at IGN.

Killzone Interview

Nintendogs Interview

Metroid Prime: Hunters Interview

Eiji Aonuma, Director of the new Zelda Title - Interview


PSP gets Ys (I'm sad because their gettting it)

George's City of the Dead


Some release dates for you coming from Iggy-san

Grandia 3 : 8/4


Tinkle Star Sprites La petite Princesse whose first part of the name I never get right : 7/28


KOF Orochi hen : 7/28

SNK Slot Panic Vol 1 : 7 / 28


Shadow Hearts From The New World : 7/28


Thats it for now.

Edited by K`dash

It's Twinkle Star Sprites. :) Thank you for the links though.


I find those games only to be fun at the arcade since you're in the machine. Otherwise it's just another dull racer.


Props to City of the Dead! I'm look forward to that, majorly. A new.hack game should be interesting, as well as a new 2D mario.

Props to City of the Dead!  I'm look forward to that, majorly.  A new.hack game should be interesting, as well as a new 2D mario.

I truly hope that Bandai does something really great, since.hack//INFECTION, MUTATION etc. were mediocre. I really didn't enjoy those, except for the free episode of.hack//LIMINALITY.

Props to City of the Dead!  I'm look forward to that, majorly.  A new.hack game should be interesting, as well as a new 2D mario.

I truly hope that Bandai does something really, since.hack//INFECTION, MUTATION etc. were mediocre. I really didn't enjoy those, except for the free episode of.hack//LIMINALITY.

I personally loved the PS2 series. Part of me wants a sequel to be an MMO and another part wants it to be a free-form RPG. I'm not sure the basic system is good enough to make an MMO though, which saddens me somewhat. Even simple multiplayer would be nice. There's so much potential in that series, I hope it isn't wasted.

Props to City of the Dead!  I'm look forward to that, majorly.  A new.hack game should be interesting, as well as a new 2D mario.

I truly hope that Bandai does something really, since.hack//INFECTION, MUTATION etc. were mediocre. I really didn't enjoy those, except for the free episode of.hack//LIMINALITY.

I personally loved the PS2 series. Part of me wants a sequel to be an MMO and another part wants it to be a free-form RPG. I'm not sure the basic system is good enough to make an MMO though, which saddens me somewhat. Even simple multiplayer would be nice. There's so much potential in that series, I hope it isn't wasted.

I agree with the potential. INFECTION was pretty good, untill it started to get too repetitive for my tastes. If you care for my opinion the battle system in itself is a mess and chaotic + the enemies seem unfair in terms of strenght. The cutscenes are nice and the games have a surprisingly good soundtrack.


tony hawk's american wasteland sounds pretty rad.

Props to City of the Dead!  I'm look forward to that, majorly.  A new.hack game should be interesting, as well as a new 2D mario.

I truly hope that Bandai does something really, since.hack//INFECTION, MUTATION etc. were mediocre. I really didn't enjoy those, except for the free episode of.hack//LIMINALITY.

I personally loved the PS2 series. Part of me wants a sequel to be an MMO and another part wants it to be a free-form RPG. I'm not sure the basic system is good enough to make an MMO though, which saddens me somewhat. Even simple multiplayer would be nice. There's so much potential in that series, I hope it isn't wasted.

I agree with the potential. INFECTION was pretty good, untill it started to get too repetitive for my tastes. If you care for my opinion the battle system in itself is a mess and chaotic + the enemies seem unfair in terms of strenght. The cutscenes are nice and the games have a surprisingly good soundtrack.

The combat system was one of the best parts, imo. As well as the almost random dungeons. The enemies aren't overpowered either, though some can be hard if you aren't prepared.

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