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Rin 1.14

Here is another release of Rin, a GB/GBC emulator for Sony PSP.


»» Official Site: http://mirakichi.hp.infoseek.co.jp/software/RIN.html

»» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]



Project64 RDB 1.6x Beta 8

This is a ROM database for Project64.


»» Official Thread: http://www.emutalk.net/showthread.php?t=27562

»» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]



SSSPSX 0.0.15

A new version of the PSX emulation SSSPSX is out. Unfortunately the changes are in Japanese and I can't understand it. But that shouldn't stop you from downloading it and giving it a try. Also, if you know Japanese, it would be swell if you could translate it.


»» Official Page: http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/%7Ebz7t-skmt/

»» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]



PSPE 0.8

PSPE is a PSP elf interpreter for Win32. Here are the changes:

• bios fix (Lseek etc)

• add debug output for developers


»» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]


Thanks for setting up the new RDB. I was about to do it a few hours ago, but I just couldn't connect to EmuTalk for some reason.


btw, the download link is borked. Fix it.


Fixed. Apparantly it doesn't like the naming scheme of the file so I just changed the file name.


Those file names are case-sensitive.


I was going to do those tonight but you've saved me the trouble. Thanks!


The problem with RIN is there's a new release every few hours and its impossible to keep up.


There's a virtual boy emulator released a few days back but I don't expect anyone would be interested.


I saw the VirtualBoy emulator. I think I speak for everyone here: FVCK VirtualBoy.

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