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Atari800Win 4.0 beta 5 released

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1. Emulator kernel (atari800) updated to version 1.3.6:

-- new, rarely used, graphisc modes,

-- screenshots in .png format,

-- corrected the tape recorder routines.

2. The order of function keys has been changed to reflect the order of original Atari keys:

-- F1 - Help

-- F2 - Start

-- F3 - Select

-- F4 - Option

-- F5 - Reset

3. Removed bug causing the screen freeze after loading the state save.

4. A few bugs killed in the advanced debugger.

5. Corrected the extension checking and registering.

6. Possibility to mount disks read-only.

7. A few new options in interface.



»» Official Site

»» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]



Credits: News - File - Changelog

Edited by robbbert
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