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Game: Street Fighter Anniversary Collection

System: Xbox , PS2

Emulators: SF2 can be played on : Mame , FBA , Kawaks , Zinc.

Edit: SF3 can be emulated on chankast -_- *I dont use it since my pc is crappy and i forgot :D*


Note: This review was fueled by Special K cereal bars and Coffee :D and my dev xbox ^_^






The whole she-bang in a paragraph: SFA brings back memories from the good ol days of kickin your best friends ass. All the pokin , fireballs , specials , and uppercuts are back.This collection includes 2 of the greatest SF games ever : Street Fighter 2 :(Street Fighter II, Street Fighter II Championship Edition, Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting, Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers, and Super Street Fighter II Turbo) and Street Fighter 3: Third Strike, all for a price you can afford,$30.Its also a great way for people who lived under a rock who didnt play SF to finally join in. :D





In this collection many extras are added in such as a gallery mode , The SF2 anime movie , and online gameplay mode.Online gameplay mode is avaliable via Xbox Live and is not included in the ps2 version.

The games:

Once the game has booted you are presented with this lovely screen , which lets you choose which SF you want to play.











Street Fighter 2 allows you to play all the characters from all the SF2'S incluiding Akuma ( not shown...) In the player selcection screen you can choose which variant of SF2 to play , it is also possible to mix and match the different games. For example : SF2 Turbo Ryu can fight Champion Ed. Ken



The gameplay has almost been untouched , excluding some graphics updates. The controls are the same , but i suggest getting a aracade stick because the xbox controller sucks for fighting games.






Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike offers a handful of features. The Grade Judge System , Parry , Super art moves ( you pick your special move) , and the Leap attack.




SF3 is more stylish and flashy , and a bit more complicated than the other any other SF , its beautiful to watch and play. Chracters include :Urien, Necro, Ibuki, Sean, Alex, Yang, Twelve, Makoto, Q, Remy, Yun, Hugo, Elena , Dudley, Oro , Gill , Ken, Ryu, Akuma, and Chun-Li. Despite some character changes , there is still some of the old SF 2 goodness in SF3. Alex is like Zangief , Remy is like Guile , Duley is like Balrog , just to name a few resembelences.



Summary: I personally enjoyed this collection and i thought it was a great way to relive the old on the new systems. It goes to show , a game doesnt have to be 3d to be good.


Controls: 8.0* (10)** ( * using an xbox controller) (**Using an arcade stick)


Gameplay: 9.2 Good ol classics can really never get boring


Graphics: 9.0 Perfect emulation of the games with some good eye candy

Sound: 9.0 Original soundtracks are good but SF3's music seems to be missing something... maybe its the rap?


Overall Score: 8.8 /9.3


Grade: A :lol:


Dont kill me.......^_^

Edited by GameCop

Good job on the review. I'm considering to buy this game pretty soon due to the price and because it's street fighter :lol:


I was going to buy it, but then a friend baught it for PS2 and the game kicked arse. But the X-box controler does suck for fighting games and right now my parents aint in any postition of buying me anything. So I guess I'll have to wait till after summer.

  • 3 weeks later...

does anyone remember the days of playing on the old snes with friends it was just like halo now all my friends around the tv cheering on the person playing with the crappiest player and yelling "You just got pwned!!!" every three seconds........... i miss those days


Nice review. That makes me want to go out and buy it...






It's not coming out in PAL territories :P. Hyper SF2 is ok... but there's no way for me to get a PAL PS2 version of Third Strike...


That sort of neglect really upsets me...

It's not coming out in PAL territories :P. Hyper SF2 is ok... but there's no way for me to get a PAL PS2 version of Third Strike...

Nope I disagree. The Anniversary Collection has been available here for some time now. But I think it's without 3rd Strike... need to look into it, since I haven't bought it yet.

It's not coming out in PAL territories :P. Hyper SF2 is ok... but there's no way for me to get a PAL PS2 version of Third Strike...

Nope I disagree. The Anniversary Collection has been available her for some time now. But I think it's without 3rd Strike... need to look into it, since I haven't bought it yet.

You are quite correct. Only SF2 XII edition is out in PAL regions.


Yeh that's very unfortunate. DCs are hard to come by.. and I've looked for one until the time Chankast came out.


It's just a pain that Chankast is the only way for me to play this... I'v had bad experiences chipping ps2s around here too.

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