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You have to use a code. This is taken from the Striker FAQ at GameFaqs:

- Maniac Strikers

  Some characters have a third hidden striker and you need to input a code to

  enable these. This code is performed at the striker menu where you choose

  between the first and the second striker.

  Here is the code which I took from Famitsu Magazine and tested myself:

  - Highlight the 'Another Striker'

  - Do the following: up, left, left, left, right, right,right, down

  If done correctly, the 'Another Striker' will change to the 'Maniac Striker'

  Only the following characters have Maniac Strikers:

          Chang, Choi, Iori, Kula, Kyo, Ramon, Ryo, Kasumi


Suvo, I can't believe that even I know this info, GameFAQ's is a website full of homebrewed stradigy guides for almost every single game out there, even arcade games.

Great, people don't goto GameFAQs anymore. :/


lol , he just said that he got it from gameFAQ lol :clapping: (or were u joking)

You need to learn to read and increase your critical thinking skills. Agozer was annoyed at the fact that bogard did not check GameFaqs first.


Gamefaqs forum is full of underaged rude kids.

He might have get his ass kicked there.


......oh wait, there IS a CODE and SECRET section :P


Oh, well GameFaqs the site and GameFaqs the forum are two separate animals. The former is an old sage with game information while the latter is a beast from your worst nightmares.


The forums are indeed bad, and I don't like thier faqs since there are no pictures especially when reading a RPG walkthrough.

Suvo, I can't believe that even I know this info, GameFAQ's is a website full of homebrewed stradigy guides for almost every single game out there, even arcade games.


ok , i know about it omg i was meaning that agozer didnt make sense and then i realised wat he meant , i probably have known about it longer than u cause i used it ages ago for my ps2 games

The forums are indeed bad, and I don't like thier faqs since there are no pictures especially when reading a RPG walkthrough.

You do realize how much bandwidth it would cost if every single FAQ there had pictures in them? Besides, most of the FAQs there are written very well, so I haven't had any trouble following RPG FAQs.

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