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I just finished the Xbox version and i simply love it , the story was very intresting and the game left me wanting more , i plan on getting the one on psp

has anybody else played it?


I haven't read many good things about it. I was interested in it when I saw the trailer at the movies. The reviews basically say that they aimed really high but missed.


I dont really follow reviews as much as i used to , i know it got some bad reviews , but i think the only thing it was missing was multiplayer


I can't stand it's extreme brightness though I plan on giving it a try.


I thought that game was amazing. It had a good start, an almost movie feel to it.



....then the gameplay started.



Its just too buggy. The framerate drops for no reason.(cmon, the xbox can handle all those enemies on screen)


Theres more bugs, like walking in one area and for no reason appearing in another in a blink of an eye. Just too buggy. Buggy, buggy, buggy.



Controls are weird too. Like doing the target lock. Cmon, flicker the right analog stick? What the F? Why couldnt they do the "hold right trigger" like the other games such as zelda do. Or like driving the vehicles. Instead of pressing the buttons for gas, you use the analog stick. Frekin retarded.



They just tried to hard, really.


Action is good, the weapons are good. It has alot of good stuff going for it, but just the controls and the bugs that happen here and there just ruin it for me. If you can get passed all that, then the game is worth playing.



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