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This is all a conspiricy to get people like me, ryuken, and suvu out, :rolleyes:

And what exactly do you have to worry about? You posts only don't make sense when you don't know what you are talking about.


I don't post in topics that have already been dealth with (I.E. Help me I can't make this work) or in topics that I have no clue in. So I don't mind it, but he said I have to spell correctly!!!! I can barely do that and you all know it :unsure:

Posted (edited)
I don't post in topics that have already been dealth with (I.E. Help me I can't make this work) or in topics that I have no clue in. So I don't mind it, but he said I have to spell correctly!!!! I can barely do that and you all know it :unsure:


0hehe i agreee...and how about to the newbies that still have likethat whole i'm from the internet and i casn type so much shorthand!!...i guess then i just got to get back addiced 2 typing up all mords correctly.... :rolleyes:


ok diudnt know how to fix the qoute either.... :afro:

Edited by Agozer

Gamecop is a dictator.




Of course not, that statement doesn't make sense and therefore I'm going to up my warning level :rolleyes:


Anyways the rules sound good. I'll enforce it only in current affairs and junk.


Excuse me, but everyone else here including myself who can't remember how to spell a word correctly, use something called a DICTIONARY.


http://www.merriam.com (Merriam Webster's Dictionary)

http://www.dictionary.com (Another Online Dictionary)

http://www.google.com (Search a mispelled word and it shows the correct spelling)


.... Or you can take out that old dusty Oxford Dictionary from your bookcase.


All you said to us was that your lazy and you don't want to take the time to put some effort in your posts. This rule was agreed upon with more than myself before it went to effect. We even had our own staff members putting users in their ignore lists which is not correct if we want to have a good community (and readable).

Excuse me, but everyone else here including myself who can't remember how to spell a word correctly, use something called a DICTIONARY.


http://www.merriam.com (Merriam Webster's Dictionary)

http://www.dictionary.com (Another Online Dictionary)

http://www.google.com (Search a mispelled word and it shows the correct spelling)


.... Or you can take out that old dusty Oxford Dictionary from your bookcase.


All you said to us was that your lazy and you don't want to take the time to put some effort in your posts. This rule was agreed  upon with more than myself before it went to effect. We even had our own staff members putting users in their ignore lists which is not correct if we want to have a good community (and readable).


Sometimes, people are typing too fast and misspell some words on accident and don't bother to check it. I think some of the users are guilty of that.

Excuse me, but everyone else here including myself who can't remember how to spell a word correctly, use something called a DICTIONARY.


http://www.merriam.com (Merriam Webster's Dictionary)

http://www.dictionary.com (Another Online Dictionary)

http://www.google.com (Search a mispelled word and it shows the correct spelling)


.... Or you can take out that old dusty Oxford Dictionary from your bookcase.


All you said to us was that your lazy and you don't want to take the time to put some effort in your posts. This rule was agreed  upon with more than myself before it went to effect. We even had our own staff members putting users in their ignore lists which is not correct if we want to have a good community (and readable).


If I'm not sure of a word I just type it in google and it corrects it!!

And lets not forget...Communists to the end....

Sometimes, people are typing too fast and misspell some words on accident and don't bother to check it. I think some of the users are guilty of that.


That is understandable to a degree and the rules specifically say "consistently". We are not dumb here and we can tell the difference since we all make occasional spelling errors.


*sigh*, gahh, fine, I'll try to put effort into my post's and think about everything before posting.

I don't post in topics that have already been dealth with (I.E. Help me I can't make this work) or in topics that I have no clue in. So I don't mind it, but he said I have to spell correctly!!!! I can barely do that and you all know it :(


0hehe i agreee...and how about to the newbies that still have likethat whole i'm from the internet and i casn type so much shorthand!!...i guess then i just got to get back addiced 2 typing up all mords correctly.... :banghead:


ok diudnt know how to fix the qoute either.... :(

Now...I don't mean to be a jerk or anything (yeah right) but you misspelled words. WORDS!!! How is that possible!? W and M are on opposite sides of the keyboard! I mean, seriously, you should do everything the best that you can. And I'm pretty positive that typing like that is not the best you can do.


For those of you freaking.......Google for "AOLSpeak", and you'll understand WHO this rule targets. Minor spelling errors here and there are of no concern, it's all the OMGRFLMAOWTFBBQ!!!!111one idiots out there that are the target.


Want an example? Heres a guy who just made a post on a private torrent trackers forums I use.


dam any see what this looser guy did he should be BANNED RIGH NOW i though id seen it all but this guy amazed me, i mean HOW THICK CAN U GET????? well he really pissed me off,and i feel for ppl who are on his torrents ya migh as well stop em now save your self the hassle.



ps when i pm him asking him whats he doing,this was the reply


and u? why u have this silly nickname? What bizarre, hod do you do it for evide a hit because of your crap of nickname? can any one figure out what hes on bout? i get the part bout nick name(like his any better),but after ? i m lost


Do that here, and under the new rule, your ass is grass.

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