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Today I was sitting on the computer for the last hour thinking of a new topic and I stumbled across this wonderful question. What makes us different than sites like NGEmu, EmuFanatics, etc.? Honestly, I think I have failed in many ways in making this site really a part of the pack. I'm just trying to figure out why you guys still come here. :P

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Why be "part of the pack"?


I think not being just another emulation site in itself is appealing. During slow times, its the community that keeps the site going. I think there have been some strong bonds here that keep people coming back.


The mods and regular visitors.


Everyone here makes this site a very friendly, open place to be.


Spam section, and not that much stupid post like other sites

Why be "part of the pack"?

All I know is that the rom link section was removed to become part of the pack. So if we aren't part of the pack yet, then we got rid of a perfectly fine section for nothing.


One person. Me. I'm that cool. /iggy-like moment


It's the only one I've been bothered to actually post at. Don't know why that is. The friendly thing I guess. Plus I learnt the 101 or emulation by reading stuff here so I got pretty attached.


What do YOU mean by being "part of the pack"?


If you're trying to be like Ngemu, don't. I notice that if you ask how get a game working that you "copied", they warn you and close the topic. I don't want to be on a site like that.


On GBarl, a few n00bs asked how to get roms, so without warning they deleted the entire Ideas forum, blaming "English speakers". I don't want a forum like that either.


Unlike our flaming swordsman, I've been a part of many forums over the last year. The fact I've settled on this one says it all.


Personally, (like most people, I suspect) I would like to see roms and rom links, but, if it causes legal hassles, then we're better off without them. The sites that permit that sort of thing are getting as many posts now as they ever did.


Something to ponder for a second or two, I suppose.


I have to agree with most people who posted here, that 1Emulation doesn't have to be "part of the pack" (whatever that means). I also don't like the idea of this forums being close to a carbon copy of other emulation sites. Difference is the thing that makes the world go around.


While 1Emulation rules make perfect sense, and I have no objections to the "no ROM requests" rule for obvious reasons. Other sites have rules that are totally unacceptable, like Robbbert said.


In the midst of all this critique and the recent changes to this site, don't lose sight of your original ideas and ideals of what 1Emulation should be, and most importantly... let's try too hard to be like everybody else, since we'll be digging our own graves on the long run.


Let's just be 1Emulation, The People's Emulation Site.

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