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A new version of the Sega SG1000, SC3000, Master System, Game Gear, Genesis/Megadrive, SegaCD/MegaCD and 32X emulator, Kega Fusion, is now available. Here are the changes:

Whats New ?



* Removed the BETA status. It was only really there because I never like to

  say something is finished until I'm done with it. But, yet again, some

  people won't bother to try 'Beta' software...


* Fixed problem relating to GameGear/Master System and saving GameGenie



* Re-added code to look for MP3 ID3 tags. There should be no problem with

  MP3s now. However - if your MP3s are playing at the wrong speed, or not

  at all, then make sure they are 44100Hz Stereo MP3s! These are supposed

  to be CD Audio tracks, you know :lol:


* Fixed silly problem where I forgot to alter the size of a YM2612 buffer.

  All YM2612 related sound problems should be gone, and the core should

  now be pretty much 100% accurate to real hardware.


* 32X PWM sound is now hardware accurate.


* Improved SMD/BIN detection, should have less problems loading odd sized

  BIN files.


* Added an option to set Fusion to run at High Priority. This option does

  a couple of other things too, such as change the way that Fusion gives

  up time to other apps (making it give up very little.) Probably makes

  sense to turn off 'Sleep while Waiting' while using this option, too.


* Rewrite of a fair bit of the Genesis VDP functions.


* Added another TV Mode, slightly less blurry (but not much)


* Added an option to disable all keyboard shortcuts (except the ESC key)

  for those people who had problems with accidentally triggering a menu

  while playing.


* Alt-Enter now switches between full screen / windowed as well as the

  ESC key. I never really liked this behaviour, but it was requested.


* Added another 'Fixed Aspect' option. Whereas the first will try to best

  fit the image within your display, this one basically does the opposite.

  Example: if you have a widescreen TFT monitor, this option will try to

  best fill the width of your monitor. Clipping may occur at the top and

  bottom instead of getting big black bars at the left and right. This

  also works the other way if your monitor is taller than it is wide.

  I know some people will prefer this.


* Fixed problems related to the Genesis OS ROM and resetting / saving /

  loading states.


* Added seperate folders for SMS and GG Patch (i.e. GameGenie) Files.


* Fixed bug where SMS Save States ended up in the Genesis Save State



* Added Screenshot function. By default Fusion will save compressed TGAs,

  but since some art packages have problems with these, you can instead

  select uncompressed TGAs, or BMPs. Be aware though that these files can

  get quite big B)


* Tidied up all use of Load/Save dialogs to prevent loading of non existant

  files, creating save states with invalid names, and other things that

  could be done accidentally.


* Fixed timing issue when sound is disabled.


* Added dialogs when the user attempts to use the SegaCD RAM cart options

  when the SegaCD is not running, hopefully this should help prevent all

  the confusion surrounding RAM carts.


* SegaCD RAM carts are now created as CRM files to distinguish them from

  internal BRM files. You can still load BRM files in the same way as



* When Fusion detects a Gens format BRM file, it will create a backup, and

  then create seperate BRM and CRM files out of it. It will also alert the

  user to the fact that it has done this. This should prevent people from

  managing to corrupt their save files among other things. Now all we need

  is to get Gens itself to do this and the nightmare will be over.


* Made a few changes to the way SegaCD BRM/CRM is loaded/saved in order to

  prevent any possibility of data loss (all related to the above).


* Fusion is now compatible with Windows XP Visual Styles.


* 32X emulation is now far more accurate. Primal Rage, Shadow Squadron,

  Toughman Contest, Pitfall, Virtua Racing and Mortal Kombat now perform

  exactly as on real hardware. Some of these problems took a HUGE amount

  of time to track down, and understand, but I think it's worth it. I

  don't believe any other emulator can run all of these games accurately.


* 32X BIOS is no longer required. This hasn't received any serious testing

  but seems to work fine. If Fusion cannot load one or more of the 32X

  BIOS files it will default to not using them. If you find any problems

  you should probably test with a real BIOS to make sure that isn't the



* A MASSIVE amount of behind the scenes stuff and other stuff that I've

  forgotten. You may notice this version is faster/slower than previously,

  I'm really not sure about that yet ;)

»» Official Site: http://www.eidolons-inn.net/tiki-index.php?page=Kega

»» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]


Credits: Official site


nice, always did like this emu best for genesis/segacd/32x.


just wished it was open source so someone can port it to xbox hehe

* Added Screenshot function. By default Fusion will save compressed TGAs,

  but since some art packages have problems with these, you can instead

  select uncompressed TGAs, or BMPs. Be aware though that these files can

  get quite big

Finally! i think that pretty much fills up my wish list of things i wish Fusion could do now *goes off to download*

  Prican25 said:
just wished it was open source so someone can port it to xbox hehe
or add netplay to it


that's the only thing I see that's keeping it from being a real gens killer

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