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Lag in games yet short pings

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Ok, so I got a problem, a little after I downloaded GUNZ the game started, well, lagging for me , everyone said my ping was under 80 yet I still lagged in game or at least looked like I was speed hacking. I figured, meh, it's still a BETA, wait a bit longer, but then, today, I played UT Goty, and even tried it out on some CS servers, and I'm getting the same problem, any of you ever experienced this before?


Edit: I have 3.0 MPS and it ain't video lag since one time I put everyone on low for GUNZ and UT (didn't try it with low video setting's on cs tho).

Edited by Drake
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You might want to check your system from spyware, malware and such... and also check if one of your active processes take extra amount of memory in the background.

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Hmm, now that you mention it, I do have some weird names in my task manager running I never seen before. I'll d/l some anti-virus program and post what happens.

Just what are those 'weird' names anyway?

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Services.exe, Csrss.exe, and Ctfmon.exe are running on my system as well.


Sccrs gets my attention though, it's might be a spyware/whatever program trying to masquerade as Csrss.exe, I'm not sure.

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Oops, sorry, mispelled Sccrs, it's smss.exe. O and it was csrss.exe. I also found a knew one called lsass.exe. Guess I'll check on them


Turns out there all window's based programs. No virusis.

Edited by Drake
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