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Does anybody know a good software/program to download movies besides limewire and edonkey. I can't use limewires becasue i need to be a admin and i am a guest and edonkey becasue overnet(other connection) doesn't connect becasue some weird problem and the servers are all jack. Any ideas? :P


Well i am using dc++ and i configure it to share some files and but up a random nick name and my connection type. I put Passive on connection settings. Then when i try to log on to the public hubs and try to connect it says... dowbnload fail: connection refused by target machine(http://www.hublist.org/publichublist.xml.bz2). What is up with that and i tryed like two other and that still shows up?


I wouldn't say any of them are good anymore seeing as how a lot of he ppl who share a shitload of stuff with good connection are going down

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