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System: PSP

Emulators: SNES9X v02y15, pcep v0.7, nesterj v1.05, vba-psp v0.01, others available but untested by reviewer.



the emulation scene is bursting at the seams on the PSP, with the advent of the kxPLOIT true no-swap emulation is available to the majority of US PSP owners. all you need is a psp firmware version 1.50. (still no 1.51 or 1.52 hacks yet.) Your one-stop shop for PSP emulation news and files is http://www.PSPhacker.com (THERE ARE NO ROMS THERE, Don't ask.) PSP emulation is growing by leaps and bounds, emulators are being updated almost daily. so this will be a general review as by the time you read this most of the emulators reviewed will prolly have gone up in version more then once.


A quick note on getting emulation on a v1.50 PSP: you have two choices here.

1. grab a precompiled emu-pack. these are conveniant because you can get a bunch of emulators already prepped for 1.50 the downside is as I said the emulators get updated often and the packs are almost always out of date.

2. roll your own. grab the latest files and use a tool like kxpliot, SeiPSPTool, or pbj easy installer to convert the files from 1.0 to 1.5 ready. this is the method I prefer. I use SeiPSPTool as it has options to hide "corrupt data" (the actual emulator) and add custom icons.


So with out further ado, from best to worst...


NesterJ nes emulator: this is the flagship of PSP emulation. NesterJ runs full speed 60fps without bumping the psp clock speed up to 333mhz. I haven't found any ROMS that won't play on NesterJ.

Highly recommended 9/10


PCEp PCEngine/TG16 emulator: this is a highly developed emulator and near perfect already. turboCD support, good speed, good sound. there is no option to turn FPS on so I don't know exactly how fast it is but games play smoothly I've found only one game that doesn't run but I haven't tested turbo cd support as I have no ISO's.

Highly recommended 8/10


SNes9x snes emulator: This is where things get ugly. snes9x still has lots of room for improvement. frame rate is sluggish. but playable with the right settings. slower pased games work better at this stage in developement. but I have had some decent performance with super street fighter II. 28fps, no sound, 333mhz, transparancy off 2 frameskip.

because of the great games this is a must try, but it won't be painless 6/10


VBA-PSP gba emulator: oh the pain! just that gba games are emulated should be applauded but the frame rate is so slow it's really unplayable. there is no menu to tweak settings like frameskip or turning sound off, to help it out either. larger roms are unsupported

only one rom at a time (a multi rom loader is available but I haven't tried it)

this really needs a lot of work 3/10



Final thoughts.

considering the age of the PSP it is amazing that emulation is at this stage so soon. and this is all without having access to the graphics core of the psp. once hackers get into the graphics core I expect framerates to make a dramatic jump. at that time I'd say that the PSP will be the ultimate emulation portable, surpassing the GP32 someday soon. the only threat is Sony's forced updates that are being put in some newer games.


[edit] little tweaks, added emu versions and adjusted post readability


You should maybe put the version numbers for the emulators and organize your post a little more. :P

  • 1 month later...

I'm much too confused about emulation on PSP. I have one, its 1.5 firmware, and I haven't installed any firmwares on it. Now to play roms, do I have to do the swap mehod? Nobody tells how to do things step by step. Its way to confusing. I don't even know what to do. I had this emulator installed. Then I followed the readme file for the emulator and changed the name of the rom but the rom still didn't work. Same for all the other emulators I found. Then I read some more on the internet that you had to do some exploit and convert the rom and then do a bunch of stuff. I'm way to confused. I don't want to swap. That can damage your psp bad. Is there any way I can play roms on my psp without swapping? If so, can someone post a step by step guide on how to do it? :devilboy::D


You can go to http://mobiledeviant.com to get a pre-compiler made by Seamonkey.


Those are for the lazy people like me.


THe emulators are all organised so you can have everything

on it. Just foloow his instructions carefully.

(Should be easy to understand)


Anf Garage, there is a new SNES emulator that can play most games in full speed without adjusting the frame rate.

i'll wait for my 512MB MS to arrive before trying.


And didn't you play NeoGeoCD Emu too?

Anf Garage, there is a new SNES emulator that can play most games in full speed without adjusting the frame rate.

i'll wait for my 512MB MS to arrive before trying.


And didn't you play NeoGeoCD Emu too?

yeah I am using the newer TYL build of snes. it is way better.

I haven't tried neogeo cd yet because I haven't had any isos. but my torrent of all neogeocd games is finished down at my moms house it's just a matter of going down there and burning it. then I'll try neogeo cd.


Oh my flocking God!


The NeoGeoCD Emulator is by far the best in the PSP emulation. You can play every NeoGeoCd games (different from the normal NeoGeo rom) at very fast speed, and if you set a frame skip of 1, you get a perfect port :lol:


I am now playing KOF98 and KOF99 on it.


flocking amazing! :lol: Pity the games are all older games :lol:

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