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Posted (edited)

i am not requsting roms , how you play NRX roms on


FBA emulater , most of NRX roms arent reconizebled in FBA :(

Edited by NightMareX

They use different sets. You could try renaming your NRX ROMs to fit the FBA/MAME format.


but how do i know which one to rename it to (example: from bin to rom or rom to bin) i dont know what type of format it reconises :(


Seeing as FBA needs specific romsets with specific CRCs, you are in a world of hurt if you try to make you're NRX sets running in FBA. Renaming isn't the hard part. You're far better off (and get less headaches) with Nebula/Kawaks Loader, that accept whatever sets you've put in their respective DATs.



Of course, you could compile your own version of FBA.


-so which one u prefer less complicated FBA or kawaka or Nebula , and which version of it ?


-what do u mean by you could compile your own version of FBA. ?


All those emulators are easy to use but only Kawaks and Nebula have Loaders. The latest versions of Kawaks don't have a Loader whereas the latest version of Nebula has one. It boils down to preference. I use Nebula Loader because kawaks Loader didn't recognize my sets although I there was nothing wrong with my DATs.


By compiling your own FBA I meant that you download the sourcecode, make changes to it so that it uses your sets and compile new binaries (EXE and the rest of the files). But seeing as you asked what I meant by compiling, I think that you shouldn't try it.

I use Nebula Loader because kawaks Loader didn't recognize my sets although I there was nothing wrong with my DATs.


Kawaks wont recognise your games if ur dat contains this :


System: Neo


But this will work :


System: NEO




I suggest u to use Nebula 2.24 with loader (or Nebula 2.23a) and make dats with RomDataMaker... Compiling FBA or MAME is much complicated...


Necromancer: I'm well aware of the Neo NEO issue, believe me.


You have more control over your DATs if you make them by hand, but that's just my preference.

Posted (edited)

I always use RomDataMaker to create DAT file first and if something is wrong i just edit it (for examle Neo to NEO or to ad fix number for encrypted sets)... And everything works fine under Nebula and Kawaks with loader (btw i suppose u know that u have to set Kawaks_Loader.exe compatibility mode to Win98)?


You have more control over your DATs if you make them by hand

U mean that it is better if u make a dat without using RomDataMaker or editing other dat file in notepad? I don't understand. Why is it better? Can u give me an example?

Edited by Necromancer
  Necromancer said:
You have more control over your DATs if you make them by hand

U mean that it is better if u make a dat without using RomDataMaker or editing other dat file in notepad? I don't understand. Why is it better? Can u give me an example?

Just my preference, like I said. It's always better to do something yourself that to let something do it for you... unless doing it yourself is out of the question.


Besides, doing it yourself teaches you alot about DAT structure and whatnot.

Posted (edited)

i think i have a program that can do that for u , for example if the file is.bin and u need.rom it will do it for u hold on lemme check ^_^


edit: alright , this was posted awhile ago... i think :)... anywho here it is, it helps fix the rom and stuff ,


another edit: lol it wont let me upload , sorry

Edited by suvo

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