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What the hell is a killer app -_-

An application that kills. :P But seriously, it's an application that makes any system a must have.


Would Wario Ware be one of them For the DS, cuz a lot of people i know said if they get the DS they would get this game


It has to make them buy the system to be a killer app , not just look good


note: Wario ware is fun , but my friend bought the Sims..........grrr


Mother 3 on DS would make my Century.

What the hell is a killer app -_-

An application that kills. :P But seriously, it's an application that makes any system a must have.

Or rather, an piece of software that boosts sales tremendously.


btw, I hate that word too.


IF thats what killer app is then i wish no system had one. No person should by a consol just for one game they should buy it cause it has a bunch of great games.

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