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What game do you think has the best storyline?


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Uh, you don't need story to play Pong right?

it's tennis, when has tennis ever need a story, just hit the god damn ball.

By that definition, Fighting games don't need stories either. Just hit your god damn opponent. :P

Hit, more like beat sensless. Story is just there to be messed around with. Like how Athena doesn't age.

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Uh, you don't need story to play Pong right?

it's tennis, when has tennis ever need a story, just hit the god damn ball.

By that definition, Fighting games don't need stories either. Just hit your god damn opponent. :P

Hit, more like beat sensless. Story is just there to be messed around with. Like how Athena doesn't age.

or Yuri

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Lastly, he's said that stories belong in movies and books, as the point of that form of media is to tell a story, and the point of a game is interaction.


But interaction with what? If it's a single player action, adventure, FPS, platformer, etc... game then what you are interacting with is very likely character in a story. In case you haven't noticed, most games do tell a story, even if it's a very simple one. My whole point is that the stories do add to the gameplay and are thus necessary.


From his stance one could argue that better graphics aren't necessary either. Which would be true. But they add to the immersive experience.


I think our disagreement is over how important stories are to certain games. We have both admitted exceptions. But take his example of MGS. He says he didn't pay attention to the story at all and wished it wasn't there. But, IMO, that's just ridiculous. For one, it gives developers path to follow when making games. Most games start off as story boards... developers just don't jump in a start making levels first. If a game like that didn't have a story I bet he would notice the difference even if he doesn't pay attention to the stories. Why? Because you would likely wind up with a potpourri of levels that have no rhyme or reason to their layout in the game. Many games like that would wind up feeling disjointed... and even though he may not have payed attention to the stories before, he would notice when they were gone.


So I really don't care if he just enjoys the action and doesn't care why his character is doing whatever actions he's doing... but I prefer my games to a bit more of an enriching experience than that.

Edited by Thraxen
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Most games start off as story boards...

I actually beg to differ. As someone who has been working on a mod for about a year now, were just still brainstorming on how the hell our mod is gonna work. Storyboards would be when the story's plot outline & script has been finalized. You are sort of jumping the gun in your explination.

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I actually beg to differ. As someone who has been working on a mod for about a year now, were just still brainstorming on how the hell our mod is gonna work. Storyboards would be when the story's plot outline & script has been finalized. You are sort of jumping the gun in your explination.


That isn't how it usually works on bigger productions. The storyboards are THE time to experiment, nothing is finalized. Often times different departments will work on scenes and storyboard them and then try to "sell" em to the director.


Hayao Miyazaki for instance begins drawing stroyboards before even the character designs and story are finalized.

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Second Sight(Spoiler Alert. Highlight to read)

You thinkg you are in the U.S. having flashbacks from your mission in Russia, but in the end of the game you find out that you are in the mission in Russia, and you have visions of a possible future in the U.S.

Can there be anything better?

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This is hard, i would probably have to choose the Metal Gear Solid games. This is because the storylines are so in depth and just seem so real and detailed and you can really get into them.


I know there are some other games with absolutley amazing storylines that im forgetting, but ive been without sleep for over 48 hours now so i cant remember them, Ill try and post them when i do

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