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clrmamepro 3.70 released!


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clrmamepro has been upgraded to version 3.70, here are the changes




3.70 (14-Jul-2005)



misc:  fixdats: rewrote generation routine (much faster now)

misc:  fixdats: changed the way fixdatfile saving works:


      As long as you use auto-save-fixdatfile, they will be stored in cmpro's

      fixdatfolder, using a profiler-related subfolder scheme.

      Any popupmenu->save fixdatfile option will always show a prompt for a

      destination file. You won't be asked for the datheader name anymore.

      Autofixdats will be updated/deleted/moved/etc when the belonging

      profiler option is used.


misc:  profiler: you can directly select a datfile subfolder when adding dats

misc:  profiler: profiler tree selector (the move/add one) fully expands tree

misc:  profiler: empty folders after 'hide green/red/grey' aren't shown

misc:  profiler: moved settings->'datfile errors' to profiler options

misc:  profiler: zipfile datpicker got a header control now


misc:  core: datfiles can have zero rom sizes (is handled as a nodump)


misc:  gui: saving mainwindow position

misc:  gui: replaced animation (big thanks to Nicole Schmitz for providing it)

misc:  gui: countless menu/text/gui/etc changes

misc:  gui: centering window when no/illegal pos was saved (instead of 0/0)


misc:  batchrun: no 'no rom/samplepath warning' prompt in batchmode


added: batchrun: 'always use default' option


added: profiler: popup menu: copy datfilename to clipboard


fixed: profiler: drag&drop folders with datfiles/more subfolders doesn't pickup files from subfolders.

fixed: profiler: zipfile datpicker doesn't import zip's subfolder structure

fixed: profiler: a lot of garbage collection issues


fixed: core: zlib buffer overflow issue


fixed: about: drag&drop shows hashes for 0-sized bytes


removed: profiler: "default settings created successfully" prompt




»» Official Site

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Credits: Official Site

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