Alpha Posted July 24, 2005 Posted July 24, 2005 Fatal Rose was begging for some help with the ladies. So finally he called on the Love Machine, the LoveCop, and he got his answers. Read every word and enjoy. Session Start (GameCop:Fatal Rose): Wed Jul 20 16:51:04 2005[16:51] Fatal Rose: hey GC[16:51] *** Auto-response sent to Fatal Rose: I am currently away from the computer.[16:51] Fatal Rose: damnSession Start (GameCop:Fatal Rose): Sun Jul 24 02:45:59 2005[02:46] GameCop: You awake?[02:46] Fatal Rose: yes[02:46] *** Auto-response sent to Fatal Rose: I am currently away from the computer.[02:46] GameCop: Good lord.. I thought you changed your AIM picture[02:46] GameCop: You changed it back?[02:46] Fatal Rose: whats up?[02:46] Fatal Rose: haha yeah sorry man[02:46] GameCop: Nothing much LOL[02:46] Fatal Rose: is that a bad thing?[02:46] GameCop: Read and Reply ->[02:47] GameCop: Well... yeah.. like I said, it's the scariest thing I've ever seen. I'm not sure if I'm seeing a woman's eye or a man's eye. No offence. LOL[02:47] Fatal Rose: hhahahahah it's my eye man[02:50] Fatal Rose: posted[02:51] GameCop: Why can't you teach us how to disarm someone with a gun? [02:52] Fatal Rose: haha come over and i will show you[02:52] Fatal Rose: for 5 bucks[02:52] Fatal Rose: jk[02:52] GameCop: LOL[02:53] GameCop: I know how to disarm someone with a knife, but never tried it with a gun[02:53] Fatal Rose: i am not goign to responsible for some teenager trying to disarm someone and getting shot because of something he readi n a forum[02:53] GameCop: Comma on.. when would that happen? LOL[02:53] Fatal Rose: never know[02:53] * GameCop looks at K`dash, Axl..[02:54] Fatal Rose: drake could go over to ryukens house and things could happen[02:54] GameCop: Well just tell me then [02:54] Fatal Rose: ahhahahahahahahaha axl and ian le creme[02:54] Fatal Rose: if they are pointing it at you[02:54] Fatal Rose: standing in front of you[02:55] Fatal Rose: and if there is anough room[02:55] Fatal Rose: enough*[02:55] GameCop: inside crescent kick?[02:55] Fatal Rose: nah[02:55] Fatal Rose: to slow[02:55] Fatal Rose: you would get shot[02:55] GameCop: yeah[02:55] Fatal Rose: step inward to the side[02:55] GameCop: heel kick to the head?[02:55] Fatal Rose: grab the gunmans hand[02:55] Fatal Rose: its hard to explain man[02:55] Fatal Rose: nah[02:56] Fatal Rose: don't want to get fancy in a situation liek this[02:56] Fatal Rose: i realyl can't explain it[02:56] Fatal Rose: i have to show[02:56] Fatal Rose: basically you end up on the side of the perosns body with the gun[02:56] Fatal Rose: and its both of your arms and all your strength[02:56] GameCop: snap the elbow?[02:57] Fatal Rose: against hit them thats holding the gun[02:57] Fatal Rose: and you can control him/her from there[02:57] GameCop: Maybe you should make a webcam video just for 1emulation? LOL[02:57] Fatal Rose: you could if you are in the right posistion[02:57] Fatal Rose: hahahahah i don't have a webcam[02:59] Fatal Rose: you should record your clothsline[02:59] GameCop: nah lol[03:00] GameCop: So how many girlfriends do you have now, 10?[03:00] GameCop: 12, 20?[03:00] Fatal Rose: none[03:00] Fatal Rose: i am just your average guy[03:01] GameCop: Suuuuuuureeee [03:01] Fatal Rose: women hate me[03:01] GameCop: So seriously, why did you mess with your eyebrows?[03:01] Fatal Rose: hahahahaah what?[03:01] GameCop: Oh come on LOL[03:01] Fatal Rose: you don't liek them?[03:02] Fatal Rose: i did them for you, in hopes of you modding me one day at 1emu[03:02] GameCop: Not at all.. no offence..but if I saw you on the street, I'd think you're gay lol[03:02] Fatal Rose: yeah i get that a lot for somereason[03:02] GameCop: So why did you do it?[03:02] GameCop: Were you bored?[03:02] Fatal Rose: i have always done them[03:02] Fatal Rose: since i was 15[03:02] Fatal Rose: like to look clean[03:03] Fatal Rose: read this, proof that women hate me[03:03] GameCop: wah[03:03] GameCop: Forgot about being clean[03:03] GameCop: You have to be masculine, be a man[03:03] Fatal Rose: haha i am[03:03] Fatal Rose: martial arts[03:03] Fatal Rose: try not to throw up when you see her pics[03:04] GameCop: goood lord[03:04] GameCop: How could you be attracted to a girl like that?[03:04] Fatal Rose: hhahahahaha[03:04] Fatal Rose: i never was[03:04] Fatal Rose: you did nto read any of the chat log did you?[03:05] GameCop: nope[03:05] GameCop: It's a bit late LOL[03:05] Fatal Rose: yeah[03:05] GameCop: I don't want bad dreams[03:05] Fatal Rose: wells he is pissed at me because i wont sleep with her[03:06] Fatal Rose: this is the girl i am interested in[03:06] Fatal Rose: [03:06] Fatal Rose:[03:06] Fatal Rose: she is latin[03:07] Fatal Rose: God i love latin girls[03:07] Fatal Rose: don't worry that chat log is not to bad man[03:07] GameCop: geezzus[03:07] GameCop: The girl on the left is hotter[03:07] GameCop: What's wrong with you!?!?!!?!?!?![03:07] GameCop: That girl doesn't even look latin[03:08] Fatal Rose: the chick on the left is only 18[03:08] Fatal Rose: i am 22 man[03:08] Fatal Rose: honestly i really don't find the chick on the left all that good looking[03:08] GameCop: geezus[03:08] Fatal Rose:[03:09] Fatal Rose:[03:09] GameCop: the girl on the left again is 10x better[03:09] Fatal Rose: hahahaha seriosu you think so?[03:09] GameCop: Absolutely[03:09] Fatal Rose: we have dofferent taste[03:09] GameCop: Are you cross-eyed? LOL[03:09] Fatal Rose: haah no[03:09] Fatal Rose:[03:10] Fatal Rose: i don't hook up with little girls[03:10] GameCop: geeez louis[03:10] Fatal Rose: hahaha your funny[03:10] GameCop: Your 22!... 4 years is nothing[03:10] GameCop: it's not like she's barely legal[03:10] Fatal Rose: she turned 18 like 4 days ago[03:11] GameCop: wellll LOL[03:11] Fatal Rose: sorry man i would not feel right[03:11] GameCop: That's good[03:11] Fatal Rose: for me to be with a girl she atleast has to be 20[03:11] GameCop: well, I'm dead serious..that girl you like isn't attractive tat all[03:11] GameCop: at all*[03:11] Fatal Rose: hahaha for real[03:12] Fatal Rose: most have said she is hot[03:12] GameCop: her face looks like it was fried like a pancake with eggs and bacon..ohhh and delicious hashbrowns[03:12] Fatal Rose: besides i don;t have a right to be picky[03:12] Fatal Rose: hahahahahahhahahahaha[03:12] GameCop: you want to see a pretty latin girl?[03:13] Fatal Rose: vida?[03:13] Fatal Rose: J lo?[03:13] GameCop:[03:13] GameCop: wola[03:14] Fatal Rose: who is that?[03:14] Fatal Rose: i would bone the hell out of her[03:14] GameCop: Hold your hormones you little perverted freak LOL[03:14] GameCop: It's Petra Nemcova, the most beautiful LATIN... Model...[03:14] Fatal Rose: no worries i am calm[03:14] Fatal Rose: i had sex earlier today with melissa[03:15] GameCop: I don't care if you had sex with Latifa[03:15] GameCop: Keep that to yourself LOL[03:15] Fatal Rose: hahahahahaahahah[03:15] Fatal Rose: me and melissa[03:16] GameCop: got another picture?[03:16] Fatal Rose: yeah[03:16] Fatal Rose:[03:17] GameCop: eh... she's a 6/10[03:17] GameCop: compared to the other girl[03:17] GameCop: she's a lot better[03:17] GameCop: the other girl I'd give a 2/10[03:18] Fatal Rose: ahahah holy crap man[03:18] Fatal Rose: your picky[03:18] Fatal Rose: hahahahaha[03:18] GameCop: No, I'm not... you got a bad taste..[03:18] GameCop: So do you have a calendar set up for each girl?[03:19] GameCop: Day 1 - Lupe[03:19] GameCop: Day 2 - Latiqua[03:19] GameCop: Day 3 - Latifa[03:19] GameCop: Day 4 - Melissa[03:19] Fatal Rose: hahahahahahahahahahahaahah[03:19] Fatal Rose: that was hilarious[03:19] Fatal Rose: nah[03:19] Fatal Rose: i jsut take things day by day[03:19] GameCop: you just said it LOL[03:19] Fatal Rose: man you must think i have a one track mind[03:20] GameCop: What I don't get is..why haven't you thought of a serious relationship?[03:20] Fatal Rose: i am really only into that girl you gave a 2/10[03:20] Fatal Rose: i have man[03:20] Fatal Rose: i wanted one with the last chick i was seeing[03:20] Fatal Rose: marie[03:20] Fatal Rose: but it did not work out sadly[03:20] Fatal Rose: she used me[03:20] GameCop: yeah, you used her too LOL[03:21] Fatal Rose: i was her temporary sub till she was comfortable to get back with her ex[03:21] Fatal Rose: nah man[03:21] Fatal Rose: i really liked her[03:21] Fatal Rose: strong feelings[03:21] GameCop: "Hey baby, damn you fine..come in my room and I can show you some karate moves"[03:21] Fatal Rose: hahahahaahhahahaahahhaah[03:21] Fatal Rose: you need to post this chat log[03:22] GameCop: Will do..makes a great thread [03:22] GameCop: So anyways... your parents still don't know eh?[03:22] Fatal Rose: hahaah [03:22] Fatal Rose: know what?[03:22] GameCop: They don't see you have a different girlfriend everyday?[03:22] Fatal Rose: dude its not like that[03:22] GameCop: They probabaly think you're some prostitute LOL[03:23] Fatal Rose: man i have a realyl bad image i need to get rid of[03:23] GameCop: How so?[03:24] Fatal Rose: you think i am some kind of player[03:24] Fatal Rose: i am not[03:24] GameCop: Hey, don't hate the playa, hate the game [03:24] Fatal Rose: haha booker t[03:24] GameCop: So what are you?[03:24] Fatal Rose:[03:25] Fatal Rose: i really only want to be with Debbie(2/10 chick)[03:25] Fatal Rose: i am a take it as they come kinda guy[03:25] GameCop: LMAO @ your post[03:25] Fatal Rose: hahah thanks[03:25] GameCop: Geezus..wants wrong with you[03:25] GameCop: Debbie is ugly..I'm sorry LOL[03:25] GameCop: You sure you have 20/20 vision?[03:25] Fatal Rose: hahah i thknk she is HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!@@@!![03:26] Fatal Rose: yes i am sure[03:26] GameCop: Well...ask your dad[03:26] GameCop: See what he thinks LOL[03:26] Fatal Rose: nah[03:26] Fatal Rose: no thanks[03:26] GameCop: "Hey pop, check out this chick I want to bone.. just like the other 1,000 I did this year"[03:27] Fatal Rose: i have only had sex with 6 this year[03:27] GameCop:... "Uhmmm, son...I thought you were gay?"[03:27] GameCop: LMAO[03:27] Fatal Rose: hahahahaah[03:27] Fatal Rose: just your averaeg "joe"[03:28] GameCop: good many pics do you have of yourself? LOL[03:28] Fatal Rose: i have a myspace[03:28] Fatal Rose: so i have a lot[03:28] Fatal Rose: and a digi cam[03:28] GameCop: long does it take you to get ready before a date?[03:29] Fatal Rose: not long[03:29] Fatal Rose: 25 min[03:29] GameCop: does that include shower or after?[03:30] Fatal Rose: after[03:30] GameCop: HOLEY MACAREL[03:30] GameCop: (sp?)[03:30] GameCop: well, all I got to say about that is..[03:30] GameCop: 5min...[03:30] GameCop: gel hair[03:30] GameCop: leather jacket[03:30] GameCop: black boots[03:30] GameCop: stetson cologne[03:31] GameCop: a lot of deoderant[03:31] GameCop: And I'm good[03:31] Fatal Rose: you sweat a lot?[03:31] GameCop: Of course LOL[03:31] GameCop: When the woman is hot, she is damn hot[03:31] Fatal Rose: haahah[03:31] GameCop: Sizzling[03:31] Fatal Rose: heh[03:31] Fatal Rose: but for real man[03:31] Fatal Rose: i am nto a player[03:32] Fatal Rose: my mom kinda thinks i am a dog though[03:32] Fatal Rose: because two different girls came over in the same day at different times to my house one day[03:32] Fatal Rose: i did not plan that[03:32] GameCop: lmao[03:32] Fatal Rose: they both just showed up out of no where[03:32] Fatal Rose: it was weird[03:32] GameCop: So did you guys have a mother-son talk? LOL[03:33] Fatal Rose: nah[03:33] GameCop: "Baby, I've checked your computer. Why do you call yourself a fatal rose? Don't tell me you're some rapist!!"[03:33] Fatal Rose: she wa sshicked[03:33] Fatal Rose: hahahahahahaah[03:33] Fatal Rose: this chick wants me[03:34] GameCop: oh good lord[03:34] GameCop: IS THAT A MAN?[03:34] GameCop: or a WOMAN?[03:34] Fatal Rose: hahhahaah i think its a women[03:34] Fatal Rose: sounds like a women on the phone[03:34] GameCop: Don't tell me you know that person LOL[03:34] Fatal Rose: [03:34] Fatal Rose: not really[03:34] Fatal Rose: she gave me her cell[03:35] Fatal Rose: and i called once[03:35] GameCop: ohhh geezus[03:35] Fatal Rose: i felt bad[03:35] GameCop: Felt bad?[03:35] Fatal Rose: she kept saying nice things about me[03:35] GameCop: SHE LOOKS LIKE A SLUT[03:35] GameCop: Is that the kind of image you want to set on your siblings?[03:35] GameCop: What kind of person are you?[03:35] Fatal Rose: haha we never met[03:35] Fatal Rose: she lives far[03:35] Fatal Rose: nor cal[03:36] Fatal Rose: i am so cal[03:36] GameCop: Tell her that you will call her in the next life..when your a monkey and she's a bear[03:37] GameCop: You guys can cuddle ROFL[03:37] Fatal Rose: hehe[03:37] Fatal Rose: so yo ulied my post at 1emu?[03:37] GameCop: huh?[03:37] Fatal Rose:[03:37] GameCop: Oh yes, I liked your post[03:38] GameCop: I'll reply soon with a link to this log [03:38] Fatal Rose: hahahahaah[03:38] Fatal Rose: fix the grammer first[03:38] GameCop: But really man... they call me the love machine, the LoveCop[03:38] Fatal Rose: oh yeah?[03:38] GameCop: Oh yes...[03:39] GameCop: one time...[03:39] Fatal Rose: tell me more rflicked[03:39] Fatal Rose: or was it rflocked[03:39] Fatal Rose: remember raymond used to be censord[03:39] Fatal Rose: and everyone thought it was your name[03:39] Fatal Rose: hahaha that was funyn[03:39] Fatal Rose: funny[03:39] GameCop: LMAO[03:39] GameCop: So back to my story...[03:40] GameCop: You know one time I was with my baby right... no not some sick freak... my gf..or girlfriend..[03:40] Fatal Rose: dude i assumed gf[03:40] GameCop: This was back in the day... LoveCop had an afro LOL[03:40] Fatal Rose: ah[03:41] Fatal Rose: was this in the 70's?[03:41] GameCop: Dude, that's personal information LOL[03:41] GameCop: So anyways....[03:41] Fatal Rose: haha ok[03:42] GameCop: We were doing the tango (you know what I mean)..and she said.. "LoveCop, damn Axl's thang was only 2 inches...but yours.."... I responded..[03:42] GameCop: "Baby, you make my software turn into hardware."[03:42] GameCop: That was the moment[03:42] Fatal Rose: haahhahhaahahahahha[03:43] GameCop: So do you have any experiences like that?[03:44] Fatal Rose: no not at all[03:44] GameCop: Those were the days.... women.. beautiful.... not some 2/10 LOL[03:44] Fatal Rose: hahahahaha[03:44] Fatal Rose: sorry man i am nto as good lookign as you[03:44] Fatal Rose: i have to settle for the 2's[03:45] Fatal Rose: while you get the 10's[03:45] GameCop: Pleeeeasssseee...[03:45] GameCop: You need to increase your self-esteem[03:45] GameCop: You can get any girl[03:45] GameCop: But your problem is simple[03:45] GameCop: It's the eyebrows man[03:45] GameCop: GROW THEM OUT!! LOL[03:45] Fatal Rose: ahhaahahahah[03:46] Fatal Rose: you can really tell that i get them done?[03:46] GameCop: Don't tell me you shave the chest hair... the women need something to put their hands through[03:46] GameCop: Absolutely[03:46] Fatal Rose: i shave it all[03:46] GameCop: Like I said, you look gay man... that's a homosexual LOL[03:46] GameCop: Lord have mercy [03:47] GameCop: You need hair, you ain't a woman[03:47] GameCop: Didn't you see the movie... "Beauty and the Beast?[03:47] Fatal Rose: yeah[03:47] GameCop: Well don't be the beauty LOL[03:47] Fatal Rose: nah i have confidance man[03:47] GameCop: You need hair... on your arms..legs... chest...back...everywhere[03:48] Fatal Rose: i just like to take care of myself[03:48] Fatal Rose: nah girl realyl do not like body hair [03:48] GameCop: made that up LOL[03:48] GameCop: That's why you get 2/10[03:48] Fatal Rose: thats what they all tell me[03:48] GameCop: 2/10 don't like hair[03:48] Fatal Rose: dude you are the only who thinks she is not hot[03:48] GameCop: 8/10 love hair[03:48] GameCop: And I ain't that harry LOL[03:49] GameCop: hairy*[03:49] Fatal Rose:[03:49] GameCop: No one said she was hot, you blind boy? LOL[03:50] GameCop: okay wait wait..[03:50] GameCop: SuperMan[03:50] GameCop: Pleeeeassee[03:50] Fatal Rose: Go for Friday one! Hot chick[03:50] GameCop: Your talking to the LoveCop, the Love Machine[03:50] GameCop: You're*[03:50] Fatal Rose: i see[03:50] Fatal Rose: what am i thinking?[03:50] Fatal Rose: [03:50] GameCop: Well[03:51] GameCop: Since I'm the superior and you're the inferior... LMAO[03:51] Fatal Rose: yep[03:51] GameCop:... let me think about this..[03:51] Fatal Rose:[03:51] Fatal Rose: [03:52] GameCop: You are a perverted freak who needs to hold on to a girl for at least 6 months instead of thinking every girl you see is a 10/10. You just have way too many hormones pumping through your head.[03:52] GameCop: Sorry man, it had to be said LOL[03:52] GameCop: What happened to college btw?[03:52] Fatal Rose: dude i don't think every girl is a ten [03:52] Fatal Rose: trust me[03:53] Fatal Rose: i just really think tha chick is hot[03:53] Fatal Rose: training is takign up a lot of time[03:53] Fatal Rose: and i might have a fight in three months[03:53] Fatal Rose: but i am still thinking of going[03:53] GameCop: She's ugly.... when the testosterone is out of your'll realize that you got some problems LOL[03:53] GameCop: Dude man, do you want to be a trash man?[03:53] GameCop: How does that attract the ladies?[03:53] Fatal Rose: fighitng?[03:54] Fatal Rose: i could care less if professional fighitng attracts ladies[03:54] Fatal Rose: its what i love[03:54] GameCop: I'm talking about being a trashman LOL[03:54] GameCop: You'll be with Mario, Miguel, Jose..[03:54] Fatal Rose: why did that come from?[03:54] GameCop: If you don't go to college, what do you expect you're going to do?[03:54] GameCop: The girls are going to leave you LOL[03:55] Fatal Rose: i am joining the navy reserves soon[03:55] Fatal Rose: after my fight[03:55] GameCop: Ohhhh geeezus[03:55] GameCop: You're going to waste your life?[03:55] Fatal Rose: i still am thinking of college though[03:55] GameCop: So they got you too eh?[03:55] GameCop: They called you up?[03:55] Fatal Rose: no[03:55] Fatal Rose: i decided[03:55] GameCop: Go to college[03:55] Fatal Rose: i might[03:55] GameCop: Study, learn, have money, have a wife, children[03:56] GameCop: Start thinking about a career[03:56] GameCop: STOP THINKING[03:56] GameCop: DO[03:56] Fatal Rose: but fighting is my man goal[03:56] GameCop: That's a hobby[03:56] GameCop: If you got time to go on 1Emulation[03:56] GameCop: You got time to study[03:56] Fatal Rose: no its a future job[03:56] GameCop: Sure it is.. but it's your backup job[03:56] GameCop: It won't last forever[03:57] Fatal Rose: for the mext 15 years[03:57] Fatal Rose: next[03:57] GameCop: Don't dream, do [03:57] GameCop: But really, go to college[03:57] GameCop: You won't regret it.[03:58] Fatal Rose: nothing there i am interested in[03:58] Fatal Rose:[03:58] GameCop: Anyways..good luck with the ladies. And remember this, before you do it with a girl... think of the LoveCop and what he would do... "Is this girl a 2/10?".... "Is this girl ugly?"... "Does this girls face look like pancakes and needs butter?"[03:59] Fatal Rose: dudei do not sleep with every girl[03:59] Fatal Rose: i am very selectve[03:59] GameCop: Just admit it, it's OKAY LOL[03:59] Fatal Rose: man i could be a player and bone a lot of chicks[03:59] Fatal Rose: but its just not me[03:59] Fatal Rose: does not fill any voids[03:59] Fatal Rose: does not do it for me[04:00] Fatal Rose: 'and i personally think to highly of myself to go out and sleep with random people[04:00] Fatal Rose: jsut nto me[04:00] GameCop: Well you're doing it LOL[04:00] Fatal Rose: how so?[04:00] GameCop: Well, you just said... day by day[04:01] GameCop: For me.. I had a girl and I had commitments[04:01] Fatal Rose: as in i don't plan on being with as many chicks or go lookign for them[04:01] Fatal Rose: if they come my way then they do[04:01] Fatal Rose: if they don't than oh well[04:01] Fatal Rose: not as in sleep with them[04:01] GameCop: Well, you just LOL[04:01] Fatal Rose: but as in get to know them and see what would happen [04:01] Fatal Rose: i know melissa[04:02] Fatal Rose: known her for like 6 months[04:02] Fatal Rose: i want to be with her[04:02] Fatal Rose: but she is scared[04:02] GameCop: But you want to be with Mrs. 2/10[04:02] Fatal Rose: melissa flaked on me to many times[04:02] GameCop: And then you're going to be trashman... what do you want me to do? LOL[04:02] Fatal Rose: 2/10 is hot man[04:02] Fatal Rose: you just have odd taste[04:03] Fatal Rose: haha i am not going to be a trash man[04:03] Fatal Rose: i am on vacation from my normal job for the summer[04:03] Fatal Rose: during school tme[04:03] GameCop: What's your job?[04:03] Fatal Rose: i work at an outdorr educationf ro kids[04:03] Fatal Rose: teching and mentoring them[04:03] GameCop: What kind of teacher are you? LOL[04:03] Fatal Rose: as a camp counselor[04:04] Fatal Rose: its a science camp[04:04] GameCop: "Hey son, they call me fatal rose. Damn that so hot.. I don't want to hurt her feelings...what should I do?" [04:04] Fatal Rose: you did not go when you were in 5ht or 6 th grade[04:04] Fatal Rose: ?[04:04] GameCop: I don't remember LOL[04:04] Fatal Rose: nah i take my job serious[04:04] Fatal Rose: try tomake sure they learn and have a good time[04:04] Fatal Rose: for some this is a chance of a life time[04:05] Fatal Rose: some are barely able to afford to go[04:05] GameCop: should signup at Forums[04:05] GameCop: You need it LOL[04:05] Fatal Rose: are you a member there?[04:05] Fatal Rose: lovecop[04:05] GameCop: Maybe, maybe not LOL[04:05] GameCop:... you never know.. could be my 2nd site [04:05] Fatal Rose: haha i see[04:06] GameCop: Well, I'm off to bed... I'm going to post this log in a thread[04:06] GameCop: in current affairs [04:06] Fatal Rose: i shoul dpos her pic at 1emu[04:07] GameCop: dpos?[04:07] Fatal Rose: huh?[04:07] Fatal Rose: 2/10 chick[04:07] GameCop: oh nvmd[04:07] Fatal Rose: no tell me please?[04:07] GameCop: shoul dpos[04:07] Fatal Rose: and fix the grammer please before you post it[04:07] GameCop: helll no[04:07] GameCop: LOL[04:07] GameCop: That's why it's a log[04:08] GameCop: I'm going to sleep[04:08] GameCop: You kept me awake [04:08] Fatal Rose: i should post a a poll with the 2/10 chick[04:08] Fatal Rose: haha my bad man[04:08] GameCop: Yes... make it 1Emulation[04:08] GameCop: Current Affairs[04:08] GameCop: forget spam[04:08] Fatal Rose: ok man i will[04:09] Fatal Rose: fix the grammer please[04:09] Fatal Rose: please[04:09] GameCop: I'll post this log... good night and don't forget.... you there is a $10 charge for help on love issues with the LoveCop next time LOL[04:09] Fatal Rose: ok man[04:09] GameCop: I'll do a spell check [04:09] GameCop: That's it[04:09] Fatal Rose: ok thanks[04:09] GameCop: Good night [04:09] Fatal Rose: night
Fatal Rose Posted July 24, 2005 Posted July 24, 2005 I don't think anyone is going to read all this. But you are missing out if you don't.
Fatal Rose Posted July 24, 2005 Posted July 24, 2005 Was not begging for any help, don't lie. You were in desperate need of a conversation because Agozer was not on.
Agozer Posted July 24, 2005 Posted July 24, 2005 Fatal dear, send me a PM is you really must talk to me, and I'm not on. (Timezone's taken into account of course)
someboddy Posted July 24, 2005 Posted July 24, 2005 I don't think anyone is going to read all this. But you are missing out if you don't.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>I did. Fatal, if you have a digital camera, you can use it to show us how to disarm a man with a gun. GameCop, who calls you lovecop. I mean, beside yourself?
Agozer Posted July 24, 2005 Posted July 24, 2005 GameCop, who calls you lovecop. I mean, beside yourself?His imaginary friends?
Lucandrake Posted July 24, 2005 Posted July 24, 2005 Gamecop you wasted 5 seconds of my life making me scroll down to reply and say "Thank you but enough is enougH"
Wizard Posted July 24, 2005 Posted July 24, 2005 GameCop, who calls you lovecop. I mean, beside yourself?<{POST_SNAPBACK}>His imaginary friends? <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Who else would call him that?
Robert Posted July 24, 2005 Posted July 24, 2005 I read it all, it was hilarious.her face looks like it was fried like a pancake with eggs and bacon..ohhh and delicious hashbrowns
Wizard Posted July 24, 2005 Posted July 24, 2005 That's possibly one of the worst analougiess to describe a woman.
someboddy Posted July 24, 2005 Posted July 24, 2005 Gamecop you wasted 5 seconds of my life making me scroll down to reply and say "Thank you but enough is enougH"<{POST_SNAPBACK}> You know, there is an "add reply" button at the top of the screen...
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