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Now that non-emulation news is being posted here (which I find odd), I thought I'd partake in this activity. Even though this bit is about Nintendo, expect more PC centric news in the future. :P


Miyamoto talks Revolution


Here are the highlights:

- "Nothing's set in stone yet, but the interface we're creating for the Revolution is well suited to Pikmin"

- "We're considering connecting the DS with the Revolution via Wi-Fi"

- "We designed the controller so it can play any of the different conventional [gameplay] styles" (ie the controller design shouldn't prevent porting of games from other platforms)

- 480p guaranteed

- "Even if you look at Zelda on GameCube, I don't think that looks inferior to what the competition is touting as 'next-generation' visuals." (Nintendo don't think they'll fall behind on visual quality.)

- 'Miyamoto refused to reveal any details of the top secret and much-hyped Revolution controller, but he did say he believed it would prove very popular with gamers and eventually become the industry standard.'


I bolded the one I find to be the most important because it seems to throw a wrench into the entire "It'll be impossible to port games over to the Revolution because of it's weird controller."



From EGM magazine, via Eurogamer. http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=60185


Well, there is a lot of gaming news. If you ask me, tht kind of news goes hand in hand with emulation news, at least in here.


Interesting news indeed! I am a big Nintendo fan. I hope the Revolution isn't a big bust. Evem if it is Iit will probably be the console I get.


There was this post on Game Age forum I'm looking for that someone saw a controller design based on the Gamecube's design, but it has been gone back to the Classic A B X Y scheme with D-Pad - Digi-Stick on one side, the L - R triggers, and the C-Stick remaning in the original position. According to him anyways.

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