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This doesn't suit Main page because it's really f'n long plus here is where we are going to go into discussion of this stuff.


Part 1: The System explainations:


Translated off the nice, large scans posted by Cyberfan (www.cyberfanatix.com - I'm not going to hotlink directly to them even though I'm almost sure Remukhan won't mind...):


Page 1:


An introduction the game's system specifics, as well as all usable teams! Don't be left out in getting on board this year's "Festival!"


Until now, much has been left unclear about KOF XI. However, in this 7 page blow out extravaganza, we'll tell you everything you want to know!


(omitted boring information - tells you who the game maker is, etc)



To enhance your pleasure in playing the game, we've gathered the information of the basics of KOFXI. Decide what characters you want to use now, strategise about the the system possibilities... Look forward to playing the game1!


Basic operation and basic system:


Since there hasn't been any huge changes to the controls or the system, as long as you've played KOF before, you should have no porblems at all playing KOF XI. What is of note, however, is that button that was used exclusively for Heat mode in KOF Neowave has now been reassigned to body blow attacks. Since this is a change from previous KOF titles, you should be careful till you're used to the changes.


Also, there were no body blow attacks in KOF 2003, so this is a revival of a system possibility. When using characters that first made their appearance in KOF 2003, try not to make the mistake of trying to use their new body blow attacks by pressing CD at the same time. Don't overlook the fact that the options for recovery roll have now increased as well. Though in previous titles, we've been limited to rolling backwards in recovery rolls, it is now possible to roll forwards as well. If you use freely the 2 options now available to you to avoid being pressured, it'll be much easier to escape from wakeup pressure situations.


however, it has been proven to be possible to be thrown out of the recovery roll when rolling forward, and there is a split second when coming out of the roll, before fulling standing up, in which you are vulnerable to attacks and cannot block, so if you are read correctly, there is a danger that your vulnerability will be taken advantage of.


(I'll skip the picture caption for this page since it's basically telling you about the forward recovery roll again. Also, the 2 green boxes and the huge pic of the joystick are the summary of the controls. The only thing of note is that the forward recovery roll is done by, surprise surprise, holding forward and AB before touching the ground.


Bottom green bar: For normal throws, you will throw the opponent either forwards or backwards depending on the button used. Escaping the throw depends on pressing the same button used as your opponent. However, if you press CD while attempting an escape, you'll escape successfully no matter what button the opponent used. (*I'm not sure I'm translating this next part correctly, but I think it says that standard throws now have a whiff animation, and then when you try to throw and miss, you will not trigger a normal attack, hence the risk for attempting a throw has increased)


Page 2:



Let's get familiar with all the information presented to us onscreen!


The various bars and system options

Skill points and the options available with them:

Super cancel: 1 stock

Dream cancel: 1 stock

Quick Shift: 1 stock

Saving Shift: 2 stocks.


What is the skill gauge?


The skill gauge is a new gauge added to the game, that has the distinction of not being increased when your attacks hit, nor when you perform special moves. Instead, it increases as time goes by.

Once the gauge becomes full, you gain a skill point, represented by a ball on the bar. The skill gauge has an upper limit of 2 stocks. Since the game starts with the skill gauge empty, you are unable to use skill point manuevers at the start. The manuevers you are able to perform are listed at the table above. As you can see, the skill gauge is intimately involved with cancelling, as well as switching out. All of the options available from skill point usage seem to be crucial. It seems that skill points will be a very important aspect of this installment.


What is super cancelling?


Super cancelling means that you are able to cancle certain special moves into DMs. It is a system that is often seen in today's fighting games. In previous games, one power stock was needed for the super cancel itself - hence, in total, to perform a super cancel, 2 power stocks were needed. HOwever, in this installment, the ability to super cancel is determined by the availability of skill points, as well as you having sufficient power stock to perform the super itself, so remember that. Since the skill gauge increases by itself with time, it seems that we will be able to super cancel more freely in this installment.


(Screenshot shows Shingo SCing his qcf p into his qcfx2 p DM)


What is dream cancelling?


This installment also features the return of the leader system - before a match begins, a leader must be chosen. The leader also has access to a leader DM that can only be performed by the leader. Cancelling into this leader DM from a normal DM is called a dream cancel.


Firstly, to perform a normal DM,one power stock is needed. To cancel into a leader DM, 2 power stocks and a skill point are needed, hence in total, 3 power stocks and 1 skill point are needed. Since you expend just about all your stocks, you won't be able to use this technique very often, but if used in a combo, you'll guarantee a huge life loss on the opponent's end.


(Screenshot shows K' dream cancelling his Chain Drive LDM from his Heaven's Drive DM)


The health and dizzy gauge

Above the health gauge is a red gauge - this is the dizzy gauge. It decreases when you are hit by the opponent's attacks, and when fully depleted, you will be dizzy.

Also, the life gauge will begin to flash white when you guard your opponents attack too foten. This is a sign that you are about to be guard crushed.


The leader's health gauge is green, but your other characters are yellow.


Power and skill gauges:

The power gauge increases when your attacks hit, and when you perform special moves. Since the gauge barely increases when your opponent blocks your attacks, the only real way to get it to increase in actual combat is to make your hits connect.


The skill gauge increases with time - other than that, there are no crucial additions to it.



Compared to the skill gauge, it is relatively harder to increase the power gauge. It seems careful management is necessary here.




In this installment, when time runs out, the winner is not necessarily the player with more life. Whichever side the Judgement Injector titls more towards to wins. (In this screenshot, the player on the left is in an advantageous position). The gauge tilts towards you when your hits connect, and towards your opponent when you get hit.



Since the gauge is designed like a scale, whenever the gauge tilts towards you, it also tilts away from your opponent.



With the addition of so many gauges, one might feel bewildered at first, but as one becomes used to them, it seems that battle itself will become ever deeper and more involved. In particular, the skill gauge that increases with time will surely prove to be an important factor. Also, with the addition of the judgement injector, fights that approach the end of the time limit will surely prove to be even more intense... Don't let your guard up just because the time's nearly up.


Page 3:


Battle while switching your characters effectively!


An explanation of the multi-shift system.

The multi-shift system that started in KOF2k3 gets a huge powerup! With the mechanics of character switching further fleshed out, it seems that fighting as a team will prove to be a more important strategy than ever.



Largest character profiles are the characters actually in battle. To switch to the character whose profile is closest to you, press AC. To switch to the character whose profile is closest to the time counter, press BD.


What is the multi-shift?

Multi-shift is a system in which you are able to freely switch your characters in the middle of battle.


In this game, upon knocking one of your opponent's characters out, the round does not end - rather, the fighting continues until the entire team is taken out. In other words, once battle begins, you're in for a speedy, intense fight in which you cannot let your guard down.


What is the normal shift?

Normal shift means that, pressing either AC or BD together, you will switch out to an inactive character.


In KOF 2003, there was a set amount of time you had to wait for before you were able to switch out your character again. In this installment, however, there are no restrictions, and you are able to switch out characters rapidly. To minimise the vulnerabilities inherent in switching out your character, make sure to switch out according to the match conditions and your opponent's status.


What is the quick shift?

Quick shift is a new system in which, in the midst of your normal or special attacks, pressing AC or BD will cancel your attack and switch out your character. The character that switches in will come flying in from the corner of the screen with an attack. It seems then that the main usage of this system is cancelling from a combo of your main character to connect even more attacks with your switched in character.

If you ensure that the character you're switching into from Quick Shift is a character with a damaging combo or your leader, you will be able to do far more damage with that combo or your LDM than if any single character performs the combo.


(Screenshot simpy shows Iori quick shifting after a C, hcb k. Ryo jumps in with a kick, and follows with a C and qcf C)


What is the saving shift?


If you just got hit by your opponent's attack, pressing AC or BD at the same time will consume 2 skill points and allow you to switch your character. The character switching in will come in with a flying attack that, upon connecting, will send your opponent flying away.

If you're in a situation in which you will definitely be comboed, this is a system that will allow you to minimise your health loss.


(Screenshot shows this in action)


About switching characters when your character is KOed:

In this game, even if your active character is taken out, the round does not end. Rather, the next character will jump in swiftly from the corner of the screen.


The character that switches in will be invulnerable until he is able to move, so you can be safe from attacks. Also, the character that switches in will be the character that would have switched in normally if you pressed AC, so you would do well to remember that.


Green bar:

Look forward to using the quick shift system - it certainly looks interesting as you will be able to battle even more so as a team than ever before. The saving shift looks like it will be useful in situations where you got guardcrushed or if you just got caught offguard. This installment allows greater switching out of your characters with ease, which should emphasize once again fighting as a team.





-End part 1. Part 2, which consists of the team information, will follow shortly after I regain my sanity.


*note: The writer of the articles so far translated is Kyokugendo, one of the top players in Japan. I never knew Arcadia actually got real players to write their articles...*

Translation by Perfect Stranger.





King of Rehash with some neat new features... Might be worth trying... I can't wait to see how off Frame the new character cast looks. Also noticed they didn't bother to clean up MoTw terry and that new MoTw character is just resized... :/


Judgement injector ROFL HAHAHA system sounds sounds a bit.....old but me kof is my favorite fighting game so ill stick wiht it

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