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Hey yall im back like a vertabra!


Im hooked up to sweat ADSL connection and im ready to rock n roll!!

Oh baby!


I even got a telephone in my bedroom now.

Good to be "kcab" guys/gals! :)


Woooo its good m8!

I get a ping of 35 on servers on multiplayer, i can downloade huge files in less time than it takes to grow a beard its just good ddue get with it as soon as you can m8 :)


Welcome to the ADSL world, emsley

here is a tip: since ADSL cost the same no metter how mach time you are online, when you are out, keep KaZaA (or Mirc, or DC...) running.


thanks for the tip m8....

as for my connection speed, well its as fast as ADSL can go from what i have read...


56 to 60 a second or so it says im not entirely sure to be honest

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