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Bsnes v0.010 released!


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08/03/2005 - bsnes v0.010 released

      bsnes now supports SPC700 emulation (no DSP or sound support, however), and has greatly improved compatibility. It also now contains a keyboard-only joypad configuration tool.

      Since the last news update, I finished the APU core and fixed a lot of bugs (incw/decw writing to the wrong locations, movw ya, dp not setting n/z flags, and a couple others), and ended up getting pretty much every game I had working, including DQ5 and Tekkaman Blade. I modified the OAM renderer to maintain a list of sprite information for all 128 sprites all the time, rather than loading all of that info 128 times a scanline (the PPU runs a little faster now), removed the HDMA base init timing and rewrote the DMA timing, greatly improved the IRQ timing, slightly improved the NMI timing, fixed the ExHiROM memory mapping to what Overload specified, and did a few other misc. things I can't recall at the moment.

    Of course, that's only in the last few days. There's been probably a hundred or so changes/fixes since the last release, but unfortunately I didn't keep a list this time. Sorry about that.

    I tried to make sure nothing major was broken, but I always seem to miss something. The only thing I'm aware of at the moment is that frameskipping can sometimes cause slightly corrupt graphics to appear on screen (or maybe I've since fixed it?), but everything works fine otherwise. This release is also substantially slower than the last release, almost entirely due to proper DMA timing. But that's a neccesity as it will be needed for HDMA timing, and possibly NMI/IRQ timing as well in the future. I'll work on speeding things up later.

    Oh, as a sidenote: the 'Enable APU' option requires the emulator to be restarted before it takes effect.

    This version also works on Linux/BSD (or any little endian platform with SDL, really). To use this, you have to compile it yourself. I only have FreeBSD, so releasing a binary image probably wouldn't help many people. To compile bsnes, go to src/sdl, and edit sdlmain.cpp. Comment out #define _WIN32_, and then edit the Makefile, set the path to your SDL config tool (it is sdl11-config on FreeBSD, I believe it is just sdl-config on Linux), and then run make. It will generate the binary which can be run via 'bsnes_sdl '. It generates bsnes_sdl.cfg which can be used to configure the emulator somewhat. I am only able to test this release on FreeBSD, so if anyone uses the Linux port and has trouble getting it to work, and bothers to fix the problem, please tell me what to do to fix it.




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