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K`s Discussion Time Thread


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So the retard is at it again,


Time for serious discussion.


Also in conjunction. CBS posted this very good article on why you americans should fight your communistic overlords in this battle.


Looking for *smart posts from Gryph, inky and a varity of other U.S. citizians.


(Yes, it's debate time on this topic. Keep it clean niggahz)

Edited by K`dash
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1. I love VGCats

2. I honestly don't understand Jack Thompson. I don't think anyone does.

3. The last email he sent to VGCats is proof tht the man is mentlly insane.


About that other article: That Upton fellow really surprised me too with his fine statement. I don't see eye-to-eye with all the things he says, but he does have valid points, and *isn't* as paranoid as Jack Thompson.


I also think that the CBSreporter is right in his closing paragraph. It takes time to change things, but a change will eventually happen.

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This Thompson fellow seems like he's a caricature pulled straight out of Southpark but he happens to be real and just as insane. The best would be just to ignore him and let him rant like the moron he is. Someone needs to sit him down and explain to him what exactly this Mature rating actually means. He just has the preconceived notion that all video games are meant for children which is quite wrong.


Here is an excellent article by The Economist on the state of gaming: http://www.economist.com/displaystory.cfm?story_id=4246109


Here is a nice quote:

Start with the demographics. Attitudes towards gaming depend to a great extent on age. In America, for example, half of the population plays computer or video games. However most players are under 40—according to Nielsen, a market-research firm, 76% of them—while most critics of gaming are over 40. An entire generation that began gaming as children has kept playing. The average age of American gamers is 30.


And I completely agree with the CBS article.

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I posted my opinion on restrictions in another thread, but I'll post them again (because in the other thread it sounds like I was attacking the ratings themselves).


The restrictions placed on game purchases are rediculous. It's that simple. They don't keep the games from getting into that hands of children. All they do is inconvenience them, and force them to find different routes.


I find it absurd that Jack Thompson actually wants to make people wait an extra year to play these games. AO has to be the most preposterous rating ever to exist. By the time you're 17, you probobly have friends that are 18 that could get the new AO rated games for you. I'm gonna go ahead and throw out a fun (made-up) fact here, every person that actually wants to buy an AO rated game has seen pornography. Every one of them. Not just some nude pictures, hardcore man on woman sex (not to discriminate against alternative lifestyle porn). Hell, a lot of them have probobly had sex. Yet Jack Thompson is in favor of recalling Killer 7 due to sexual content, then reshipping it with the notion that a one year large age group can no longer play it.


And the conversation between Scott and Jack should be televised. I'm serious. You know what his conersation makes me think of? Triple Jenny. He's so sure he's right that he'll insult someone HE contacted rather than defend himself.


Upton on the other hand is a relatively okay guy. But I stand by my view that the government should not censor things. Censorship is a bad thing. One of the worst aspects of government as a whole. It's not the government's place to determine what is and is not appropriate for minors. Such things should be decided by their guardians.


On a final note, gamers uniting to lobby against a corrupt power hungry government isn't exactly what I had in mind.

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