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help me out here. I have 6 cd-roms that have about 400 jpgs each on them. I am trying to copy them all to a folder on my pc so I can copy them all to dvd.

the discs don't look damaged or scratched. but when I try to copy the jpgs to the new folder on the desktop It will always freeze about halfway through and the pc will become unresponsive. I've been hunting around google but I guess I can't think of the right search terms.

I also tryed making the cd an iso with nero but it fails near the end.

help me!


Cyclic Redundancy Error most likely. Quite a nasty read error that for some reason, using Explorer (Which sucks cause it's Explorer) will lock your sh it up. Also in some programs an errorless problem when reading/viewing certain files or in this case........trying to rip to an ISO.

Only thing I can suggest, is trying to rip with ALL error checking disabled in Nero, if that doesn't work........try something else. If THAT doesn't work, find out what file it keeps causing this to happen at, and don't try and copy it over. (Or the multiple files it may be)

You could try to use CDCheck to salvage all the files it can. It will also tell you where the errors are.


Nice, think I might grab that myself.

Another thing I might add, is that I got 2 CDs from a buddy who was running Windows 98 at the time. Now they worked fine on myy box, UNTIL I upgraded to XP......then they just wouldn't work right.

I also had discs with movies I had burnt on Win98 as well, that just wouldn't function in XP for some reason. I really don't know why, but I'd have to point the finger at a lack of a proper ASPI layer in XP and the possibility of the burning method on the ASPI layer in 98 at the time causing an incompatibility, as these were just plain DATA disc creations, not images burnt to disc or anything.

You could always try installing a proper ASPI layer if you're running XP or 2k.


thanks for the replies dudes. I'll try that stuff out tomarrow and let post results.


hmmm that cdCheck program has been running for over 9 hours straight trying to get the files from one disc. sitting at 64% right now. it has gotten some of the ones that I couldn't get before. so I guess I'll just leave it running for a while.

it was cyclic redundancy check errors.


u may try isobuster or cdroller also ;)


after 20 hours I gave up on cdcheck. 20 hours of constant cd rom activity can't be good for my crappy little drive.


no i haven't tried it in another pc. i'll have to try that

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