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i start next tuesday. and i still haven't read my 2 books for summer reading, so i'll just find a summary online and read that instead

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I started school 2 weeks ago (this is 3rd week). Everything is going fine, especially in Java and Visual Basic (to easy). Im doing my work so far and havent fell asleep yet, I hope I continue to do this throughout the year

there's no advanced c++ at your school or something? I doubt you learned all of it

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My Advanced Anatomy textbook came in today. They sent the goddamn paper back edition instead of the hardcover that I paid for. Those flocking scamming shitheads. I'm going to draft an angry letter to Amazon and try to get a refund and/or get the hardcover edition. I doubt either will happen but I want to get those scamming flocks to not be able to sell anymore on Amazon. On the back of the book at the bottom it says "Not for Sale in U.S.A. or Canada." flockers.

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Weirdy I wished there was advanced C++.... the only programming language you can take for more then a year (max 3) is Java.....which i'm planning on doing so since it seems more playable with then C++.


Edit: The C++ course leaves you right after classes and 2d arrays.

Edited by Drake
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