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Hi everyone. I have recently been updating my romsets for xboyadvance, and I have ran into some issues with a few certain roms. A couple would be Bleach Advance, and Super Robot Taisen Original Generation 1+2. After downloading as many versions of the roms as I could, I still can't get them to run on the latest version of XBoyadvance. Is there anything I should do to get them to run, or am I out of luck? Someone on another forum told me changing the rom names helps, but I guess I don't see how. Thanks in advance.


I've never heard about this emulator either, and I think I would know about most of the Bill-BOX emulators. But yeah, if the author hasn't done anything in over a year, it's pretty dafe to say that the project is abandoned for good or the author is taking a long hiatus.


Topic moved to the X-BOx Emulation forum.

Posted (edited)

You guys haven't heard of this emu? Heh... it's the main GB/GBC/GBA emu for the XBox. And, yeah, Xport has disappeared and apparently abandoned all his XBox projects.


Anyway, just about every GBA game I've tried runs, although some a bit slowly. But I haven't tried those three games yet. Maybe I'll give those a shot and see what happens.

Edited by Thraxen

Well, I just tried all three of those games and they all seemed to play just fine. I couldn't tell what the hell was going on because of all the Japanese text, but the games ran.

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