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I just wanted to know if you can transfer mp3 audio files straight into your Xbox,so that you can use the audio for games that let you have your own music.Instead of ripping songs off your discs.

And what folder are the audio tracks saved ?.


To my knowledge, when you rip an audio CD onto your Xbox it isn't in MP3 format. It is my understanding that it's ripped to XMA (Which is the Xbox equivalent to WMA).


I don't recall where they're stored, I'd have to pop in a CD and rip it and check........and I'm too lazy right now. My guess would be in your UDATA folder somewhere.


I found out what folder they are stored in.It's in "/E/TDATA/fffe0000/music/0000/".

Now if only there was a way to convert the mp3's into xma files.


go to x-s forums and search for Xbox Soundtrack Manager, it works great tho the last release doesn't allow tell it your login info so its only set to xbox/xbox which is fine for me since xbmc uses that hehe


also xbox uses normal 128 wma's, just needs to be set the way xbox uses them which Xbox Soundtrack Manager or Xbox Soundtrack Editor can do.


I wouldn't recommend the Xbox Soundtrack Manager, it's buggy as hell and since I've been using it(from the beginning until now) once I started using it my custom soundtrack disappears in MotoGP and now Burnout 3. It's just one seriously buggy app. Just use the Xbox dashboard and a burned CD, it's a whole lot safer.


weird things tend to happen once in a while with the older ones but the last one actually fixed some of the vxcr's errors (like the first track it uploads comes up in chinese and sometimes doubled) but it too does have issues like now after it make a settings.xml, running it again claims it can't use the xml as something else is using it and when that happens it would hangup on uploading a song. i delete the xml and its good as new, go figure hehe

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