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Ok im prepared to spend big, althogh i am not willing to buy a super NASA custom built card that fits in the loft of my house and requires its own nuceular power plant to run :evil:




I am thinking nividia [however you spell it]


Is the way to go for me, i am after a card that will run anything 2tip top" how the game should run as normal made.


All graphical fetures must be enabled with it...


Any suggestions, i want one that will last me a long time and will do the buisness [inluding doom3 when it hits the shore come november]


Any suggetions dudes?


If you want nvidia and want the best card from them, then get the Geforce FX, however if you don't want to spend all that cash and still have the best aside from the FX, get the Geforce 4 ti 4600, (that's what I have) and is tremendously good) 128mbDDR, I play just about everything on it, and even use it to connect to a big screen TV, I have heard that Nvidia cards are not that great for that, but my graphics look phenomenal on my tv... I don't see the problem


if you want to transfer video to HDD and stuff, then maybe something else, for I still haven't figured out how the hell to do that :evil:


You use your pc threw your TV :evil:


I will have to look into this, i will have a look on my locol stores web site or the cards you mentioned thanks dude :lol:


Yeah the GeForce cards are great for TV Out, Ive got mine connected up to the main 28" set. Its great for films, and excellent for emulation.

The only drawback is you cant read text very clearly, Oh and make sure its GeForce 4 or FX because GeForce 3 doesnt do the whole twin view thing! (Wish id found out before i bought mine.)


buy yourself an ati radeon, specially if interested in the tv out thing, ati gfx have a great quality tv out and i read that it is becuse another gfx cards manufacturers they make the tv out parts unlike other companies which just buy it to other companies, oyu can ask ijtf cinder about the radeon, i think he has one.

People say that tv out is great for emulation, you don´t need any blitter and it looks exactly the same as the arcades ones, they say it is due to the low resolution of tv


Wait about 1 month for the new radeons to come out. They're going to knock all the other card prices down. Right now, top dog is 9700 radeon. Also the Geforce FX card is going to be comming out big, and heavy. They have like 5 cards (5800 down to 5200 non/ultra) So wait, and prices will come down. Also will give more options if you want to go bleeding edge(I.E. gotta have the new top 'o the line stuff)


yeah i was thinking to upgrade my gfx card to an ati radeon 9100 or 9200 but i don´t have any money right now :evil:


hmm i think the wise thing to do is defently hang on for now, i mean this card i got now i have had under a year and allready it has been oblivarated in the graphics department the next one i buy must be kick ass and will run doom3 as it should play when its released and also the supposedly awesome splinter cell.

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